- course
I. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French curs, course, from Latin cursus, from currere to run — more at car
Date: 14th century
1. the act or action of moving in a path from point to point
2. the path over which something moves or extends: as
a. racecourse
(1) the direction of travel of a vehicle (as a ship or airplane) usually measured as a clockwise angle from north; also the projected path of travel
(2) a point of the compass
c. watercourse
d. golf course
a. accustomed procedure or normal action <the law taking its course> b. a chosen manner of conducting oneself ; way of acting <our wisest course is to retreat> c. (1) progression through a development or period or a series of acts or events (2) life history, career 4. an ordered process or succession: as a. a number of lectures or other matter dealing with a subject; also a series of such courses constituting a curriculum <a premed course> b. a series of doses or medications administered over a designated period 5. a. a part of a meal served at one time <the main course> b. layer; especially a continuous level range of brick or masonry throughout a wall c. the lowest sail on a square-rigged mast II. verb (coursed; coursing) Date: 15th century transitive verb 1. to follow close upon ; pursue 2. a. to hunt or pursue (game) with hounds b. to cause (dogs) to run (as after game) 3. to run or move swiftly through or over ; traverse <jets coursed the area daily> intransitive verb to run or pass rapidly along or as if along an indicated path <blood coursing through the veins>
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.