
I. noun Etymology: Middle English dekke covering of a ship, from Middle Dutch *dec covering, probably from Middle Low German vordeck, from vordecken to cover, from vor- for- + decken to cover; akin to Old High German decchen to covermore at thatch Date: 1509 1. a platform in a ship serving usually as a structural element and forming the floor for its compartments 2. something resembling the deck of a ship: as a. a story or tier of a building (as a sports stadium) <
the upper deck
b. the roadway of a bridge c. a flat floored roofless area adjoining a house d. the lid of the compartment at the rear of the body of an automobile; also the compartment e. a layer of clouds 3. a. a pack of playing cards b. a packet of narcotics 4. tape deck II. transitive verb Etymology: Dutch dekken to cover; akin to Old High German decchen Date: 1513 1. obsolete cover 2. a. to clothe in a striking or elegant manner ; array <
decked out in furs
b. decorate <
deck the halls with boughs of hollyEnglish carol
c. to portray or present with embellishments 3. [deck (I)] to furnish with or as if with a deck 4. [deck (I)] to knock down forcibly ; floor <
decked him with one punch
Synonyms: see adorn

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Deck — (d[e^]k), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Decked} (d[e^]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Decking}.] [D. dekken to cover; akin to E. thatch. See {Thatch}.] 1. To cover; to overspread. [1913 Webster] To deck with clouds the uncolored sky. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. To… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • deck — [dɛk] n. m. ÉTYM. 1925; angl. deck, même sens, d abord « couverture, revêtement, toit », emprunt au moyen néerlandais dec. ❖ ♦ Mar. (vx). Anglic. Pont (d un bateau). 0 (…) le 8 novembre, quand le Columbia appareille, il est en train d installer… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • deck — ► NOUN 1) a floor of a ship, especially the upper level. 2) a floor or platform, as in a bus or car park. 3) chiefly N. Amer. a pack of cards. 4) a component in sound reproduction equipment, incorporating a player or recorder for discs or tapes.… …   English terms dictionary

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