
I. noun Date: 1662 one that designs: as a. one who creates and often executes plans for a project or structure <
urban designers
a theater set designer
b. one that creates and manufactures a new product style or design; especially one who designs and manufactures high-fashion clothing <
the designer's new fall line
II. adjective Date: 1966 1. of, relating to, or produced by a designer <
designer wallpaper
wearing a designer original
; also displaying the name, signature, or logo of a designer or manufacturer <
designer jeans
2. intended to reflect the latest in sophisticated taste or fashion <
designer ice cream
a designer haircut
3. modified artificially (as by genetic engineering) to fulfill individual specifications or meet a need <
designer foods
designer estrogens

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • designer — [ dizajnɶr; dezajnɶr ] n. • 1969; de design, d apr. l angl. amér. designer ♦ Anglic. Spécialiste du design. ⇒ créateur, dessinateur, styliste (II). Un designer de carrosseries. Par ext. Décorateur qui adopte le style « design ». Hôtel refait par… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • désigner — designer [ dizajnɶr; dezajnɶr ] n. • 1969; de design, d apr. l angl. amér. designer ♦ Anglic. Spécialiste du design. ⇒ créateur, dessinateur, styliste (II). Un designer de carrosseries. Par ext. Décorateur qui adopte le style « design ». Hôtel… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • designer — DESIGNER, designeri, s.m. Specialist în design. [pr.: dizáiner] – Din engl., fr. designer. Trimis de IoanSoleriu, 12.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  DESIGNER [pr: dizáiner] designeri m. Persoană specializată în design. /<engl., fr. designer …   Dicționar Român

  • designer — has been since the 1960s a vogue word first used in the fashion world to describe articles bearing the name of a famous designer and therefore prestigious and expensive. In this use designer is used attributively (before a noun), as in designer… …   Modern English usage

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  • designer — index architect, contractor, developer, materialman Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • désigner — DÉSIGNER. v. a. Dénoter une personne, une chose par des expressions, par des marques, par des symboles qui la font connoître. Il ne l a point nommé dans son discours; mais il l a si bien désigné, qu on l a aisément reconnu. Qu avez vous voulu… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • designer — [di zīn′ər] n. a person who designs; specif., one who makes original sketches, patterns, etc. [a scene designer] adj. designating or of products, esp. fashionable clothing, styled by and often named after a noted designer [designer jeans] …   English World dictionary

  • designer — 1640s, one who schemes; agent noun from DESIGN (Cf. design). Meaning one who makes an artistic design or a construction plan is from 1660s. In fashion, as an adj., bearing the label of a famous clothing designer (thus presumed to be expensive or… …   Etymology dictionary

  • designer — Designer. v. a. Denoter une personne, une chose par des expressions, par des marques, par des symboles qui la font connoistre. Il ne l a point nommé dans son discours, mais il l a si bien designé, qu on l a aisément reconnu. qu avez vous voulu… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • designer — ► NOUN 1) a person who designs things. 2) (before another noun ) made by a famous fashion designer: designer jeans …   English terms dictionary

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