- die
I. intransitive verb
(died; dying)
Etymology: Middle English dien, from or akin to Old Norse deyja to die; akin to Old High German touwen to die
Date: 12th century
1. to pass from physical life ; expire
a. to pass out of existence ; cease <their anger died at these words> b. to disappear or subside gradually — often used with away, down, or out <the storm died down> 3. a. sink, languish <dying from fatigue> b. to long keenly or desperately <dying to go> c. to be overwhelmed by emotion <die of embarrassment> 4. a. to cease functioning ; stop <the motor died> b. to end in failure <the bill died in committee> 5. to become indifferent <die to worldly things> II. noun (plural dice or dies) Etymology: Middle English dee, from Anglo-French dé Date: 14th century 1. plural dice a small cube marked on each face with from one to six spots and used usually in pairs in various games and in gambling by being shaken and thrown to come to rest at random on a flat surface — often used figuratively in expressions concerning chance or the irrevocability of a course of action <the die was cast> 2. plural dies dado 1a 3. plural dies any of various tools or devices for imparting a desired shape, form, or finish to a material or for impressing an object or material: as a. (1) the larger of a pair of cutting or shaping tools that when moved toward each other produce a desired form in or impress a desired device on an object by pressure or by a blow (2) a device composed of a pair of such tools b. a hollow internally threaded screw-cutting tool used for forming screw threads c. a mold into which molten metal or other material is forced d. a perforated block through which metal or plastic is drawn or extruded for shaping
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.