
I. verb (drove; driven; driving) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English drīfan; akin to Old High German trīban to drive Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1. a. to frighten or prod (as game or cattle) into moving in a desired direction b. to go through (an area) driving game animals 2. to carry on or through energetically <
drives a hard bargain
3. a. to impart a forward motion to by physical force <
waves drove the boat ashore
b. to repulse, remove, or cause to go by force, authority, or influence <
drive the enemy back
c. to set or keep in motion or operation <
drive machinery by electricity
d. basketball to move quickly and forcefully down or along <
drive the lane
drive the baseline
4. a. to direct the motions and course of (a draft animal) b. to operate the mechanism and controls and direct the course of (as a vehicle) <
drive a car
c. to convey in a vehicle <
his father drove me home
d. to float (logs) down a stream 5. a. to exert inescapable or coercive pressure on ; force <
driven by his passions
b. to compel to undergo or suffer a change (as in situation or emotional state) <
drove him crazy
drove her out of business
c. to urge relentlessly to continuous exertion <
the sergeant drove his recruits
d. to press or force into an activity, course, or direction <
the drug habit drives addicts to steal
e. to project, inject, or impress incisively <
drove her point home
6. to force (a passage) by pressing or digging 7. a. to propel (an object of play) swiftly or forcefully <
drove a long fly ball to the warning track
b. to hit (a golf ball) from the tee especially with a driver; also to drive a golf ball onto (a green) c. to cause (a run or runner) to be scored in baseballusually used with in 8. to give shape or impulse to <
factors that drive the business cycle
the ideas that have driven history
intransitive verb 1. a. to dash, plunge, or surge ahead rapidly or violently b. to progress with strong momentum <
the rain was driving hard
c. to make a quick and forceful move in basketball <
driving to the hoop
2. a. to operate a vehicle b. to have oneself carried in a vehicle 3. to drive a golf ball Synonyms: see movedrivability also driveability noundrivable also driveable adjective II. noun Usage: often attributive Date: 1785 1. an act of driving: a. a trip in a carriage or automobile <
a short drive to the coast
b. a collection and driving together of animals; also the animals gathered c. a driving of cattle or sheep overland d. a hunt or shoot in which the game is driven within the hunter's range e. the guiding of logs downstream to a mill; also the floating logs amassed in a drive f. (1) the act or an instance of driving an object of play (as a golf ball) (2) the flight of a ball <
a high drive to left field
2. a. a private road ; driveway b. a public road for driving (as in a park) 3. the state of being hurried and under pressure 4. a. a strong systematic group effort <
a fund-raising drive
b. a sustained offensive effort <
the drive ended in a touchdown
5. a. the means for giving motion to a machine or machine part b. the means by which the propulsive power of an automobile is applied to the road <
front wheel drive
c. the means by which the propulsion of an automotive vehicle is controlled and directed <
a left-hand drive
6. a. an offensive, aggressive, or expansionist move; especially a strong military attack against enemy-held terrain b. a quick and aggressive move toward the basket in basketball 7. a. an urgent, basic, or instinctual need ; a motivating physiological condition of an organism <
a sexual drive
b. an impelling culturally acquired concern, interest, or longing <
the drive to succeed
c. dynamic quality 8. a device for reading or writing on magnetic or optical media (as tapes or disks)

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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