
I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin duellum, from Old Latin, war Date: 15th century 1. a combat between two persons; specifically a formal combat with weapons fought between two persons in the presence of witnesses 2. a conflict between antagonistic persons, ideas, or forces; also a hard-fought contest between two opponents II. verb (dueled or duelled; dueling or duelling) Date: circa 1645 intransitive verb to fight a duel transitive verb to encounter (an opponent) in a dueldueler or dueller nounduelist or duellist noun

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • duel — duel …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Duel — • This word, as used both in the ecclesiastical and civil criminal codes, generally signifies every contest with deadly weapons which takes place by agreement between two persons on account of some private quarrel Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • duel — 1. (du èl ) s. m. 1°   Combat singulier, c est à dire combat entre deux hommes. •   Elle aime en ce duel son peu d expérience, CORN. Cid, V, 4. •   Il est temps ou jamais que je vous satisfasse Et qu un duel enfin entre mon frère et moi....,… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • duel — DUÉL, dueluri, s.n. Luptă care se desfăşoară (după un anumit cod) între două persoane înarmate, în prezenţa unor martori şi care are drept scop tranşarea unui diferend personal. ♦ Luptă în care artileriile celor două armate inamice trag simultan… …   Dicționar Român

  • duel — DUEL. s. masc. Combat singulier, combat assigné d homme à homme. Se battre en duel. Appeler quelqu un en duel. Offrir le duel. Recevoir, accepter le duel. Refuser le duel. Ils se battirent en duel avec des seconds. Ce fut un duel de quatre contre …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • Duel — Duel/DUEL bezeichnet: eine spätantike Befestigungsanlage in der Marktgemeinde Paternion, Kärnten, siehe Duel (Befestigungsanlage) Duel (Gemeinde Paternion), eine Ortschaft in Paternion, Kärnten Duel (Gemeinde Rosegg), eine Ortschaft in Rosegg,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Duel — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Duelo (desambiguación). Duel Título El diablo sobre ruedas El duelo Ficha técnica Dirección Steven Spielberg …   Wikipedia Español

  • DUEL — ist eine Musik Comedy/Kabarett Gruppe aus Frankreich, bestehend aus den beiden Musikern Laurent Cirade und Paul Staïcu aus Paris. Beide Musiker haben eine klassische Musikausbildung. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Auftritte 2 Musiker 3 Einzelnachweise …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • duèl — m. duel. Apelar en duèl : provoquer en duel …   Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu

  • Duel — Du el, n. [It. duello, fr. L. duellum, orig., a contest between two, which passed into the common form bellum war, fr. duo two: cf. F. duel. See {Bellicose}, {Two}, and cf. {Duello}.] A combat between two persons, fought with deadly weapons, by… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • duel — dùel m <G mn dȕēlā> DEFINICIJA 1. pov. ugovorena borba dviju osoba smrtonosnim oružjem, ob. radi razrješenja pitanja časti; dvoboj 2. a. oružana bitka dviju strana b. sport utakmica u kojoj ima mnogo emocionalnog naboja; dvoboj 3. pren.… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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