
I. adjective Date: 1882 situated upon or administered or placed outside the dura mater <
epidural anesthesia
an epidural abscess
II. noun Date: 1970 an injection of a local anesthetic into the space outside the dura mater of the spinal cord in the lower back region to produce loss of sensation especially in the abdomen or pelvic region

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • epidural — [ep΄ə door′əl, ep΄ədyoor′əl] adj. [ EPI + DUR(A MATER) + AL] on or outside the dura mater n. anesthesia of the lower part of the body, by the epidural injection of a local anesthetic: in full epidural anesthesia …   English World dictionary

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  • epidural — (adj.) 1882, from EPI (Cf. epi ) + dura (mater) (see DURA MATER (Cf. dura mater)). The noun meaning “injection into the epidural region” (usually during childbirth) is attested by 1970 …   Etymology dictionary

  • epidural — (Del ingl. epidural, de epi , el lat. mediev. dura [mater], duramadre, y al). 1. adj. Se dice del espacio que hay entre la duramadre y la pared ósea del cráneo o del raquis. 2. Dicho de un tipo de anestesia: Que se administra para insensibilizar… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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  • epidural — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ on or around the dura mater of the spinal cord. ► NOUN ▪ an anaesthetic introduced into the space around the dura mater, used especially in childbirth …   English terms dictionary

  • Epidural — This article is about the anaesthetic technique. For the anatomical site, see Epidural space. For other uses, see Epidural (disambiguation). Did you mean Epidural hematoma, a type of traumatic brain injury? Epidural Intervention …   Wikipedia

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