
I. adjective Date: 14th century 1. of, relating to, or constituting essence ; inherent 2. a. of the utmost importance ; basic, indispensable, necessary <
an essential requirement for admission to college
b. being a substance that is not synthesized by the body in a quantity sufficient for normal health and growth and that must be obtained from the diet <
dietary protein provides the body with essential amino acids
compare nonessential 2 3. idiopathic <
essential disease
essential hypertension
essentially adverbessentialness noun Synonyms: essential, fundamental, vital, cardinal mean so important as to be indispensable. essential implies belonging to the very nature of a thing and therefore being incapable of removal without destroying the thing itself or its character <
conflict is essential in drama
. fundamental applies to something that is a foundation without which an entire system or complex whole would collapse <
fundamental principles of algebra
. vital suggests something that is necessary to a thing's continued existence or operation <
cut off from vital supplies
. cardinal suggests something on which an outcome turns or depends <
a cardinal rule in buying a home
. II. noun Date: 15th century 1. something basic <
the essentials of astronomy
2. something necessary, indispensable, or unavoidable

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Essential — Es*sen tial ([e^]s*s[e^]n sjal), n. 1. Existence; being. [Obs.] Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is essential; first or constituent principle; as, the essentials of religion. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • essential — essential, ale, aux [esɑ̃sjal, o] adj. ÉTYM. Mil. XXe; de essence, d après le lat. essentialis, refait pour éviter l ambiguïté d essentiel « de l essence », « très important ». ❖ ♦ Philos. De l essence. ❖ CONTR. Accidentel, existentiel …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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