
I. transitive verb (excused; excusing) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French escuser, excuser, from Latin excusare, from ex- + causa cause, explanation Date: 13th century 1. a. to make apology for b. to try to remove blame from 2. to forgive entirely or disregard as of trivial import ; regard as excusable <
graciously excused his tardiness
3. a. to grant exemption or release to <
was excused from jury duty
b. to allow to leave <
excused the class
4. to serve as excuse for ; justify <
nothing can excuse such neglect
excusable adjectiveexcusableness nounexcusably adverbexcuser noun Synonyms: excuse, condone, pardon, forgive mean to exact neither punishment nor redress. excuse may refer to specific acts especially in social or conventional situations or the person responsible for these <
excuse an interruption
excused them for interrupting
. Often the term implies extenuating circumstances <
injustice excuses strong responses
. condone implies that one overlooks without censure behavior (as dishonesty or violence) that involves a serious breach of a moral, ethical, or legal code, and the term may refer to the behavior or to the agent responsible for it <
a society that condones alcohol but not narcotics
. pardon implies that one remits a penalty due for an admitted or established offense <
pardon a criminal
. forgive implies that one gives up all claim to requital and to resentment or vengeful feelings <
could not forgive their rudeness
. II. noun Date: 14th century 1. the act of excusing 2. a. something offered as justification or as grounds for being excused b. plural an expression of regret for failure to do something c. a note of explanation of an absence 3. justification, reason Synonyms: see apology

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • excuse — [ ɛkskyz ] n. f. • fin XIVe; de excuser 1 ♦ Raison alléguée pour se défendre d une accusation, d un reproche, pour expliquer ou atténuer une faute. ⇒ 1. défense, explication, justification, motif, raison. Alléguer, donner, fournir une bonne… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • excuse — ex·cuse 1 /ik skyüz/ vb ex·cused, ex·cus·ing vt 1: to grant exemption or release to excused the prospective juror excused the witness after an hour of testimony 2 …   Law dictionary

  • excuse me — An expression used as an apology for any slight or apparent impropriety, esp as a request to pass, leave, interrupt or catch someone s attention or for contradicting a statement that has been made, or (US) when correcting oneself • • • Main Entry …   Useful english dictionary

  • excuse — Excuse. subst. fem. v. Raison que l on apporte pour s excuser. Excuse legitime, bonne, recevable, valable. excuse impertinente, legere, sotte, mauvaise excuse. donner, apporter, alleguer une excuse. mediter, forger une excuse, des excuses. il a… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Excuse — Ex*cuse , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Excused}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Excusing}.] [OE. escusen, cusen, OF. escuser, excuser, F. excuser, fr. L. excusare; ex out + causa cause, causari to plead. See {Cause}.] 1. To free from accusation, or the imputation of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Excuse — Ex*cuse , n. [Cf. F. excuse. See {Excuse}, v. t.] 1. The act of excusing, apologizing, exculpating, pardoning, releasing, and the like; acquittal; release; absolution; justification; extenuation. [1913 Webster] Pleading so wisely in excuse of it …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Excuse Me Mr. — Excuse Me Mr. Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Excuse Me Mr.» Sencillo de No Doubt del álbum Tragic kingdom Publicación 1996 (América) Formato CD Single …   Wikipedia Español

  • excuse — vb Excuse, condone, pardon, forgive, remit are comparable when meaning not to exact punishment or redress for (an offense) or from (an offender). In polite use excuse, pardon, and forgive usually suggest a hope that one is not annoyed. Both… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • excuse — [ek skyo͞oz′, ikskyo͞oz′; ] for n. [, ekskyo͞os′] vt. excused, excusing [ME excusen < OFr escuser & L excusare, to free from a charge < L ex , from + causa, a charge: see CAUSE] 1. to try to free (a person) of blame; seek to exonerate 2. to …   English World dictionary

  • excuse — ► VERB 1) seek or serve to justify (a fault or offence). 2) release from a duty or requirement. 3) forgive (a fault or a person committing one). 4) (used in polite formulas) allow (someone) to leave a room or gathering. 5) (excuse oneself) say… …   English terms dictionary

  • excuse-me — or excuse me dance noun A dance during which one may change partners • • • Main Entry: ↑excuse …   Useful english dictionary

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