
I. noun Etymology: Middle English faute, falte, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *fallita, from feminine of fallitus, past participle of Latin fallere to deceive, disappoint Date: 13th century 1. obsolete lack 2. a. weakness, failing; especially a moral weakness less serious than a vice b. a physical or intellectual imperfection or impairment ; defect c. an error especially in service in a net or racket game 3. a. misdemeanor b. mistake 4. responsibility for wrongdoing or failure <
the accident was the driver's fault
5. a fracture in the crust of a planet (as the earth) or moon accompanied by a displacement of one side of the fracture with respect to the other usually in a direction parallel to the fracture Synonyms: fault, failing, frailty, foible, vice mean an imperfection or weakness of character. fault implies a failure, not necessarily culpable, to reach some standard of perfection in disposition, action, or habit <
a writer of many virtues and few faults
. failing suggests a minor shortcoming in character <
being late is a failing of mine
. frailty implies a general or chronic proneness to yield to temptation <
human frailties
. foible applies to a harmless or endearing weakness or idiosyncrasy <
an eccentric's charming foibles
. vice can be a general term for any imperfection or weakness, but it often suggests violation of a moral code or the giving of offense to the moral sensibilities of others <
compulsive gambling was his vice
. II. verb Date: 15th century intransitive verb 1. to commit a fault ; err 2. to fracture so as to produce a geologic fault transitive verb 1. to find a fault in <
easy to praise this book and to fault itH. G. Roepke
2. to produce a geologic fault in 3. blame, censure <
can't fault them for not coming

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • fault — n [Anglo French faute lack, failing, ultimately from Latin fallere to deceive, disappoint] 1: a usu. intentional act forbidden by law; also: a usu. intentional omission to do something (as to exercise due care) required by law see also negligence …   Law dictionary

  • Fault — Fault, n. [OE. faut, faute, F. faute (cf. It., Sp., & Pg. falta), fr. a verb meaning to want, fail, freq., fr. L. fallere to deceive. See {Fail}, and cf. {Default}.] 1. Defect; want; lack; default. [1913 Webster] One, it pleases me, for fault of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fault — [fɔːlt ǁ fɒːlt] noun [countable] 1. MANUFACTURING something that is wrong with a machine, system etc that prevents it from working correctly: fault in • Soviet engineers identified 32 design faults in the reactor, any of which could have led to… …   Financial and business terms

  • fault — [fôlt] n. [ME faute < OFr faulte, a lack < VL * fallita < * fallitus, for L falsus: see FALSE] 1. Obs. failure to have or do what is required; lack 2. something that mars the appearance, character, structure, etc.; defect or failing 3.… …   English World dictionary

  • Fault — may refer to:*Fault (geology), planar rock fractures which show evidence of relative movement *Fault (technology), an abnormal condition or defect at the component, equipment, or sub system level which may lead to a failure *An asymmetric fault… …   Wikipedia

  • fault — FÁULT, faulturi, s.n. (La unele jocuri sportive) Act nesportiv (lovire intenţionată, trântire, împingere etc.) comis de un jucător asupra adversarului şi sancţionat de arbitru. [pr.: fa ult] – Din engl. fault. Trimis de RACAI, 21.11.2003. Sursa:… …   Dicționar Român

  • fault — n 1 imperfection, deficiency, shortcoming Analogous words: flaw, defect, *blemish: weakness, infirmity (see corresponding adjectives at WEAK) Antonyms: excellence 2 Fault, failing, frailty, foible, vice are comparable when they mean an… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • fault — ► NOUN 1) an unattractive or unsatisfactory feature; a defect or mistake. 2) responsibility for an accident or misfortune. 3) (in tennis) a service that infringes the rules. 4) Geology an extended break in a rock formation, marked by the relative …   English terms dictionary

  • Fault — Fault, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Faulted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Faulting}.] 1. To charge with a fault; to accuse; to find fault with; to blame. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] For that I will not fault thee. Old Song. [1913 Webster] 2. (Geol.) To interrupt the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fault´i|ly — fault|y «FL tee», adjective, fault|i|er, fault|i|est. 1. having faults; containing blemishes or errors; wrong; imperfect; defective: » …   Useful english dictionary

  • fault|y — «FL tee», adjective, fault|i|er, fault|i|est. 1. having faults; containing blemishes or errors; wrong; imperfect; defective: » …   Useful english dictionary

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