
also egis noun Etymology: Latin, from Greek aigis, literally, goatskin, from aig-, aix goat; akin to Armenian ayc goat Date: 1581 1. a shield or breastplate emblematic of majesty that was associated with Zeus and Athena 2. a. protection <
under the aegis of the Constitution
b. controlling or conditioning influence <
many American mothers, under the aegis of benevolent permissivenessactually neglect their childrenTime
3. a. auspices, sponsorship <
under the aegis of the museum
b. control or guidance especially by an individual, group, or system <
acted under the court's aegis

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Aegis — ist: die griechische (und lateinische, als Lehnwort aus dem Griechischen) Bezeichnung für den Schild der griechischen Götter Zeus und Athene, siehe Aigis; ein altägyptischer Halsschmuck, siehe Ägis (Halsschmuck); ein elektronisches Waffensystem,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • AEgis — [AE] gis, n. [L. aegis, fr. Gr. ? a goat skin, a shield, ? goat, or fr. ? to rush.] A shield or protective armor; applied in mythology to the shield of Jupiter which he gave to Minerva. Also fig.: A shield; a protection. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • aegis — (n.) protection, 1793, from L. aegis, from Gk. Aigis, the name of the shield of Zeus, said by Herodotus to be related to aix (gen. aigos) goat, from PIE *aig goat (Cf. Skt. ajah, Lith. ozys he goat ), as the shield was of goatskin. Athene s aigis …   Etymology dictionary

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