
I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, free, from Anglo-French franc, from Medieval Latin francus, from Late Latin Francus Frank Date: 1535 1. marked by free, forthright, and sincere expression <
a frank reply
2. a. unmistakably evident <
frank materialism
b. clinically evident and unmistakable <
frank pus
frankness noun Synonyms: frank, candid, open, plain mean showing willingness to tell what one feels or thinks. frank stresses lack of shyness or secretiveness or of evasiveness from considerations of tact or expedience <
frank discussions
. candid suggests expression marked by sincerity and honesty especially in offering unwelcome criticism or opinion <
a candid appraisal
. open implies frankness but suggests more indiscretion than frank and less earnestness than candid <
open in saying what they think
. plain suggests outspokenness and freedom from affectation or subtlety in expression <
plain talk
. II. transitive verb Date: 1708 1. a. to mark (a piece of mail) with an official signature or sign indicating the right of the sender to free mailing b. to mail free c. to affix to (mail) a stamp or a marking indicating the payment of postage 2. to enable to pass or go freely or easilyfrankable adjectivefranker noun III. noun Date: 1713 1. a. the signature of the sender on a piece of franked mail serving in place of a postage stamp b. a mark or stamp on a piece of mail indicating postage paid c. a franked envelope 2. the privilege of sending mail free of charge IV. noun Date: 1904 frankfurter

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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