
I. verb Etymology: Middle English kiken Date: 14th century intransitive verb 1. a. to strike out with the foot or feet b. to make a kick in football 2. a. to show opposition ; resist, rebel b. to protest strenuously or urgently ; express grave discontent; broadly complain 3. to function with vitality and energy <
alive and kicking
4. of a firearm to recoil when fired 5. to go from one place to another as circumstance or whim dictates 6. to run at a faster speed during the last part of a race transitive verb 1. a. to strike, thrust, or hit with the foot b. to strike suddenly and forcefully as if with the foot c. to remove by a kicking motion <
kicked off her shoes
d. to remove from a position or status <
kicked him off the team
2. to score by kicking a ball 3. to heap reproaches upon (oneself) <
kicked themselves for not going
4. to free oneself of (as a drug habit) • kickable adjective II. noun Date: 1530 1. a. a blow or sudden forceful thrust with the foot; specifically a sudden propelling of a ball with the foot b. the power to kick c. a rhythmic motion of the legs used in swimming d. a burst of speed in racing 2. a sudden forceful jolt or thrust suggesting a kick; especially the recoil of a gun 3. pocket, wallet 4. a. a feeling or expression of opposition or objection <
a kick against the administration
b. the grounds for objection 5. a. an effect suggestive of a kick <
chili with a kick
b. a stimulating or pleasurable effect or experience <
got a big kick out of meeting him
c. pursuit of an absorbing or obsessive new interest <
a skiing kick
6. kicker 2

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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