
I. noun Etymology: obsolete Dutch; akin to Middle Low German kip bundle of hides Date: circa 1525 a bundle of undressed hides of young or small animals; also one of the hides II. noun Etymology: perhaps from Danish kippe cheap tavern Date: 1879 1. bed <
ready for the kip after this screwball dayK. M. Dodson
2. chiefly British sleep, nap <
roused thefamily from their kipSylvia Margolis
III. intransitive verb (kipped; kipping) Date: circa 1889 British sleepsometimes used with down <
kip down on a spare bedAlice Glenday
IV. noun Etymology: kilo- + pound Date: 1914 a unit of weight equal to 1000 pounds (454 kilograms) used to express deadweight load V. noun (plural kip or kips) Etymology: Lao kì:p, literally, ingot Date: 1955see money table

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Kip — Unité monétaire moderne actuelle Pays officiellement utilisateur(s)  Laos Appellation locale Kip Code ISO 4217 LAK …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Kip — (ກີບ) Staat: Laos Unterteilung: 100 Att (ອັດ)(wird nicht mehr verwendet) ISO 4217 Code …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • kip — kip1 [kip] n. [earlier kyppe, prob. < MDu kip (in KIP1 sense 2)] 1. the untanned hide of a calf, lamb, or other young or small animal 2. a set of such hides kip2 [kip] n. [< or akin to Dan kippe, low alehouse] [Slang, Chiefly Brit.] …   English World dictionary

  • kip — s.m. Unitatea monetară în Laos. (cf. fr. kip < thail. kip) [et. şi AHDEL] Trimis de tavi, 02.05.2005. Sursa: MDN  kip s. m. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  KIP s.m. Unitatea monetară în Laos. [< …   Dicționar Român

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  • kip — ● kip nom masculin Unité monétaire principale du Laos. kip n. m. Monnaie du Laos. kip [kip] n. m. ÉTYM. Av. 1970 (1955, en angl.); mot thai. ❖ ♦ Unité monétaire du Laos. 0 J ai retourné l enveloppe et j ai tout vu en même temps : le papier sali,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Kip — Kip, n. The hide of a young or small beef creature, or leather made from it; kipskin. [1913 Webster] {Kip leather.} See {Kipskin}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • kip — kȋp m <N mn kípovi> DEFINICIJA lik. ljudski ili životinjski lik izrađen ob. u tvrdom materijalu (kamen, metal itd.) u tri dimenzije; statua FRAZEOLOGIJA (stajati, slušati) kao kip bez pokreta, ukočeno, potpuno mirno ETIMOLOGIJA sttur. (?… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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