
I. adjective (longer; longest) Etymology: Middle English long, lang, from Old English; akin to Old High German lang long, Latin longus Date: before 12th century 1. a. extending for a considerable distance b. having greater length than usual <
a long corridor
c. having greater height than usual ; tall d. having a greater length than breadth ; elongated e. having a greater length than desirable or necessary <
the column is one line too long
f. full-length <
long pants
2. a. having a specified length <
six feet long
b. forming the chief linear dimension <
the long side of the room
3. a. extending over a considerable time <
a long friendship
b. having a specified duration <
two hours long
c. prolonged beyond the usual time <
a long look
d. lasting too long ; tedious <
a long explanation
4. a. containing many items in a series <
a long list
b. having a specified number of units <
300 pages long
c. consisting of a greater number or amount than usual ; large 5. a. of a speech sound having a relatively long duration b. being the member of a pair of similarly spelled vowel or vowel-containing sounds that is descended from a vowel long in duration <
long a in fate
long i in sign
c. of a syllable in prosody (1) of relatively extended duration (2) bearing a stress or accent 6. having the capacity to reach, extend, or travel a considerable distance <
a long left jab
tried to hit the long ball
7. larger or longer than the standard <
a long count by the referee
8. a. extending far into the future <
the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughtsH. W. Longfellow
b. extending beyond what is known <
a long guess
c. payable after a considerable period <
a long note
9. possessing a high degree or a great deal of something specified ; strong <
long on common sense
10. a. of an unusual degree of difference between the amounts wagered on each side <
long odds
b. of or relating to the larger amount wagered <
take the long end of the bet
11. subject to great odds 12. owning or accumulating securities or goods especially in anticipation of an advance in prices <
they are now long on wheat
take a long position in steel
longness noun II. adverb Date: before 12th century 1. for or during a long time <
long a popular hangout
2. at or to a long distance ; far <
3. for the duration of a specified period <
all summer long
4. at a point of time far before or after a specified moment or event <
was excited long before the big day
5. after or beyond a specified or implied time <
didn't stay longer than midnight
said it was no longer possible
6. for a considerable distance <
threw the ball long
7. in or into a long position (as on a market) III. noun Date: before 12th century 1. a long period of time 2. a long syllable 3. one taking a long position especially in a security or commodity market 4. a. plural long trousers b. a size in clothing for tall men IV. intransitive verb (longed; longing) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English langian; akin to Old High German langēn to long, Old English lang long Date: before 12th century to feel a strong desire or craving especially for something not likely to be attained <
they long for peace
longing to return home
longer noun Synonyms: long, yearn, hanker, pine, hunger, thirst mean to have a strong desire for something. long implies a wishing with one's whole heart and often a striving to attain <
longed for some rest
. yearn suggests an eager, restless, or painful longing <
yearned for a stage career
. hanker suggests the uneasy promptings of unsatisfied appetite or desire <
always hankering for money
. pine implies a languishing or a fruitless longing for what is impossible <
pined for a lost love
. hunger and thirst imply an insistent or impatient craving or a compelling need <
hungered for a business of his own
thirsted for power
. V. intransitive verb Etymology: Middle English, from along (on) because (of) Date: 13th century archaic to be suitable or fitting VI. abbreviation longitude

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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