
I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English mearc boundary, march, sign; akin to Old High German marha boundary, Latin margo Date: before 12th century 1. a boundary land 2. a. (1) a conspicuous object serving as a guide for travelers (2) something (as a line, notch, or fixed object) designed to record position b. one of the bits of leather or colored bunting placed on a sounding line at intervals c. target d. the starting line or position in a track event e. (1) goal, object (2) an object of attack, ridicule, or abuse; specifically a victim or prospective victim of a swindle (3) the point under discussion (4) condition of being correct or accurate <
her observations are on the mark
f. a standard of performance, quality, or condition ; norm <
not feeling up to the mark lately
3. a. (1) sign, indication <
gave her the necklace as a mark of his esteem
(2) an impression (as a scratch, scar, or stain) made on something (3) a distinguishing trait or quality ; characteristic <
the marks of an educated person
b. a symbol used for identification or indication of ownership c. a cross made in place of a signature d. (1) trademark (2) capitalizedused with a numeral to designate a particular model of a weapon or machine <
Mark II
e. a written or printed symbol (as a comma or colon) f. postmark g. a symbol used to represent a teacher's estimate of a student's work or conduct; especially grade h. a figure registering a point or level reached or achieved <
the halfway mark in the first period of play
; especially record 4. a. attention, notice <
nothing worthy of mark
b. importance, distinction <
stands out as a person of mark
c. a lasting or strong impression d. an assessment of merits ; rating <
got high marks for honesty
Synonyms: see sign II. verb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English mearcian; akin to Old High German marcōn to mark, determine the boundaries of, Old English mearc boundary Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1. a. (1) to fix or trace out the bounds or limits of (2) to plot the course of ; chart b. to set apart by or as if by a line or boundaryusually used with off 2. a. (1) to designate as if by a mark (2) to make or leave a mark on (3) to furnish with natural marks <
wings marked with white
(4) to label so as to indicate price or quality (5) to make notations in or on b. (1) to make note of in writing ; jot <
marking the date in his journal
(2) to indicate by a mark or symbol <
mark an accent
(3) register, record (4) to determine the value of by means of marks or symbols ; grade <
mark term papers
c. (1) characterize, distinguish <
the flamboyance that marks her style
(2) signalize <
this year marks our 50th anniversary
3. to take notice of ; observe <
mark my words
4. to pick up (one's golf ball) from a putting green and substitute a marker intransitive verb to take careful notice III. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English marc, probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse mǫrk mark; akin to Old English mearc sign Date: before 12th century 1. any of various old European units of weight used especially for gold and silver; especially a unit equal to about eight ounces (248 grams) 2. a unit of value: a. an old English unit equal to 13s 4d b. any one of various old Scandinavian or German units of value; specifically a unit and corresponding silver coin of the 16th century worth 1/2 taler c. (1) deutsche mark (2) the basic monetary unit of East Germany replaced in 1990 by the West German deutsche mark d. markka

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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