
I. verb Etymology: Middle English, back-formation from mixte mixed, from Anglo-French, from Latin mixtus, past participle of miscēre to mix; akin to Greek mignynai to mix Date: 15th century transitive verb 1. a. (1) to combine or blend into one mass (2) to combine with another b. to bring into close association <
mix business with pleasure
2. a. to form by mixing components <
mix a drink at the bar
b. to produce (a sound recording) by electronically combining or adjusting sounds from more than one source 3. confuse — often used with up <
mixes things up in his eagerness to speak out — Irving Howe
intransitive verb 1. a. to become mixed b. to be capable of mixing 2. to enter into relations ; associate 3. crossbreed 4. to become involved ; participate <
decided not to mix in politics
mixable adjective Synonyms: mix, mingle, commingle, blend, merge, coalesce, amalgamate, fuse mean to combine into a more or less uniform whole. mix may or may not imply loss of each element's identity <
mix the salad greens
mix a drink
. mingle usually suggests that the elements are still somewhat distinguishable or separately active <
fear mingled with anticipation in my mind
. commingle implies a closer or more thorough mingling <
a sense of duty commingled with a fierce pride drove her
. blend implies that the elements as such disappear in the resulting mixture <
blended several teas to create a balanced flavor
. merge suggests a combining in which one or more elements are lost in the whole <
in his mind reality and fantasy merged
. coalesce implies an affinity in the merging elements and usually a resulting organic unity <
telling details that coalesce into a striking portrait
. amalgamate implies the forming of a close union without complete loss of individual identities <
refugees who were readily amalgamated into the community
. fuse stresses oneness and indissolubility of the resulting product <
a building in which modernism and classicism are fused
. II. noun Date: circa 1586 1. an act or process of mixing 2. a product of mixing: as a. a commercially prepared mixture of food ingredients <
a cake mix
b. a combination of different kinds <
the right mix of jobs, people and amenities — London Times
3. mixer 2b

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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