
I. adjective Etymology: Latin normalis, from norma Date: circa 1696 1. perpendicular; especially perpendicular to a tangent at a point of tangency 2. a. according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle b. conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern 3. occurring naturally <
normal immunity
4. a. of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or development b. free from mental disorder ; sane 5. a. of a solution having a concentration of one gram equivalent of solute per liter b. containing neither basic hydroxyl nor acid hydrogen <
normal silver phosphate
c. not associated <
normal molecules
d. having a straight-chain structure <
normal pentane
normal butyl alcohol
6. of a subgroup having the property that every coset produced by operating on the left by a given element is equal to the coset produced by operating on the right by the same element 7. relating to, involving, or being a normal curve or normal distribution <
normal approximation to the binomial distribution
8. of a matrix having the property of commutativity under multiplication by the transpose of the matrix each of whose elements is a conjugate complex number with respect to the corresponding element of the given matrix Synonyms: see regularnormality nounnormally adverb II. noun Date: circa 1738 1. a. a normal line b. the portion of a normal line to a plane curve between the curve and the x-axis 2. one that is normal 3. a form or state regarded as the norm ; standard

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • normal —  normal …   Hochdeutsch - Plautdietsch Wörterbuch

  • normal — normal, ale, aux [ nɔrmal, o ] adj. et n. f. • 1753; verbe normal h. XVe; lat. normalis, de norma « équerre » 1 ♦ Math. Droite normale, ou n. f. la normale à une courbe, à une surface en un point : droite perpendiculaire à la tangente, au plan… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Normal — Nor mal (n[^o]r mal), a. [L. normalis, fr. norma rule, pattern, carpenter s square; prob. akin to noscere to know; cf. Gr. gnw rimos well known, gnw mwn gnomon, also, carpenter s square: cf. F. normal. See {Known}, and cf. {Abnormal},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • normal — NORMÁL, Ă, normali, e, adj. 1. (Adesea adverbial) Care este aşa cum trebuie să fie, potrivit cu starea firească, obişnuit, firesc, natural. ♢ Plan normal = plan perpendicular pe tangenta dusă într un punct al unei curbe. Linie normală (şi… …   Dicționar Român

  • Normal — may refer to: Normality (behavior), conformance to an average Norm (sociology), social norms, expected patterns of behavior studied within the context of sociology Normal distribution (mathematics), the Gaussian continuous probability… …   Wikipedia

  • normal — normal, ale (nor mal, ma l ) adj. 1°   Terme de géométrie. Ligne normale, ou, substantivement, une normale, droite passant par le point de tangence et perpendiculaire, soit à la tangente d une courbe, soit au plan tangent d une surface. 2°   Fig …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • normal — (adj.) c.1500, typical, common; 1640s, standing at a right angle, from L.L. normalis in conformity with rule, normal, from L. normalis made according to a carpenter s square, from norma rule, pattern, lit. carpenter s square (see NORM (Cf. norm)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • normal — (Del lat. normālis). 1. adj. Dicho de una cosa: Que se halla en su estado natural. 2. Que sirve de norma o regla. 3. Dicho de una cosa: Que, por su naturaleza, forma o magnitud, se ajusta a ciertas normas fijadas de antemano. 4. Geom. Dicho de… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • normal — [nôr′məl] adj. [L normalis < norma, a rule: see NORM] 1. conforming with or constituting an accepted standard, model, or pattern; esp., corresponding to the median or average of a large group in type, appearance, achievement, function,… …   English World dictionary

  • normal — I (regular) adjective according to rule, average, common, commonplace, conforming, conventional, customary, established, everyday, habitual, natural, orderly, ordinary, representative, routine, standard, standardized, true to form, typical,… …   Law dictionary

  • normal — UK US /ˈnɔːməl/ adjective ► usual, and what you would expect: »They were selling the good at half the normal price. »In normal circumstances, you should be able to decide this sort of thing without consulting your manager. »It is normal practice… …   Financial and business terms

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