
I. noun Etymology: perhaps back-formation from Middle English pety smallmore at petty Date: 1508 1. a. a pampered and usually spoiled child b. a person who is treated with unusual kindness or consideration ; darling 2. a domesticated animal kept for pleasure rather than utility II. adjective Date: 1584 1. kept or treated as a pet 2. expressing fondness or endearment <
a pet name
3. favorite <
a pet project
III. verb (petted; petting) Date: 1629 transitive verb 1. a. to treat as a pet b. to stroke in a gentle or loving manner 2. to treat with unusual kindness and consideration ; pamper intransitive verb to engage in amorous embracing, caressing, and kissing ; neckpetter noun IV. noun Etymology: origin unknown Date: 1581 a fit of peevishness, sulkiness, or anger <
resigned in a pet
V. intransitive verb (petted; petting) Date: 1629 to take offense ; sulk VI. abbreviation petroleum

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • pet — [ pɛ ] n. m. • v. 1260; lat. peditum I ♦ Fam. Gaz intestinal qui s échappe de l anus avec bruit. ⇒ flatuosité, vent; prout. Pet sans bruit. ⇒ vesse. Lâcher, faire un pet. ⇒ péter. Pet foireux, entraînant des excréments. ♢ Loc. fam. Avoir… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • pet — pȇt br. DEFINICIJA 1. (glavni) broj koji se obilježava brojkom 5; (redni) peti = 5. 2. razg. posljednji najmanji broj u kombinaciji brojeva u zn. neodređene velike količine, bezbroj puta, usp. sto, tisuću, milijun, milijardu FRAZEOLOGIJA fali ti… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • pet — pet1 [pet] n. [orig. Scot dial., prob. back form. < ME pety, small: see PETTY] 1. an animal that is tamed or domesticated and kept as a companion or treated with fondness 2. a person who is treated with particular affection or indulgence;… …   English World dictionary

  • pet — pet, a. Petted; indulged; admired; cherished; as, a pet child; a pet lamb; a pet theory; a pet animal. [1913 Webster] Some young lady s pet curate. F. Harrison. [1913 Webster] {Pet cock}. [Perh. for petty cock.] (Mach.) A little faucet in a water …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pet*/ — [pet] noun [C] I an animal that you keep in your home and look after a pet dog[/ex] II adj pet [pet] liked more than anything else Getting kids to do more sport is one of his pet projects.[/ex] III verb pet [pet] 1) [T] to touch an animal in a… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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