- post
I. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Latin postis; probably akin to Latin por- forward and to Latin stare to stand — more at portend, stand
Date: before 12th century
1. a piece (as of timber or metal) fixed firmly in an upright position especially as a stay or support ; pillar, column
2. a pole or stake set up to mark or indicate something; especially a pole that marks the starting or finishing point of a horse race
3. a metallic fitting attached to an electrical device (as a storage battery) for convenience in making connections
a. goalpost
b. a football passing play in which the receiver runs downfield before turning towards the middle of the field
5. the metal stem of a pierced earring
II. transitive verb
Date: 1633
a. to publish, announce, or advertise by or as if by use of a placard
b. to denounce by public notice
c. to enter on a public listing
d. to forbid (property) to trespassers under penalty of legal prosecution by notices placed along the boundaries
e. score <posted a 70 in the final round> 2. to affix to a usual place (as a wall) for public notices ; placard 3. to publish (as a message) in an online forum (as an electronic bulletin board) III. noun Etymology: Middle French poste relay station, courier, from Old Italian posta relay station, from feminine of posto, past participle of porre to place, from Latin ponere — more at position Date: 1507 1. obsolete courier 2. archaic a. one of a series of stations for keeping horses for relays b. the distance between any two such consecutive stations ; stage 3. chiefly British a. a nation's organization for handling mail; also the mail handled b. (1) a single dispatch of mail (2) letter 2a c. post office d. postbox 4. something (as a message) that is published online IV. verb Date: 1533 intransitive verb 1. to travel with post-horses 2. to ride or travel with haste ; hurry 3. to rise from the saddle and return to it in rhythm with a horse's trot transitive verb 1. archaic to dispatch in haste 2. mail <post a letter> 3. a. to transfer or carry from a book of original entry to a ledger b. to make transfer entries in 4. to make familiar with a subject ; inform <kept her posted on the latest gossip> V. adverb Date: 1549 with post-horses ; express VI. noun Etymology: Middle French poste, from Old Italian posto, from past participle of porre to place Date: 1598 1. a. the place at which a soldier is stationed; especially a sentry's beat or station b. a station or task to which one is assigned c. the place at which a body of troops is stationed ; camp d. a local subdivision of a veterans' organization e. one of two bugle calls sounded (as in the British army) at tattoo 2. a. an office or position to which a person is appointed b. an area on a basketball court that is located just outside the free throw lane usually near the basket; also the offensive position of a player occupying the post 3. a. trading post, settlement b. a trading station on the floor of a stock exchange VII. transitive verb Date: 1683 1. a. to station in a given place <guards were posted at the doors> b. to carry ceremoniously to a position <posting the colors> 2. chiefly British to assign to a unit, position, or location (as in the military or civil service) 3. to put up (as bond)
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.