
I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French sen, sens sensation, feeling, mechanism of perception, meaning, from Latin sensus, from sentire to perceive, feel; perhaps akin to Old High German sinnan to go, strive, Old English sith journey — more at send Date: 14th century 1. a meaning conveyed or intended ; import, signification; especially one of a set of meanings a word or phrase may bear especially as segregated in a dictionary entry 2. a. the faculty of perceiving by means of sense organs b. a specialized function or mechanism (as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch) by which an animal receives and responds to external or internal stimuli c. the sensory mechanisms constituting a unit distinct from other functions (as movement or thought) 3. conscious awareness or rationality — usually used in plural <
finally came to his senses
4. a. a particular sensation or kind or quality of sensation <
a good sense of balance
b. a definite but often vague awareness or impression <
felt a sense of insecurity
a sense of danger
c. a motivating awareness <
a sense of shame
d. a discerning awareness and appreciation <
her sense of humor
5. consensus <
the sense of the meeting
6. a. capacity for effective application of the powers of the mind as a basis for action or response ; intelligence b. sound mental capacity and understanding typically marked by shrewdness and practicality; also agreement with or satisfaction of such power <
this decision makes sense
7. one of two opposite directions especially of motion (as of a point, line, or surface) Synonyms: sense, common sense, judgment, wisdom mean ability to reach intelligent conclusions. sense implies a reliable ability to judge and decide with soundness, prudence, and intelligence <
a choice showing good sense
. common sense suggests an average degree of such ability without sophistication or special knowledge <
common sense tells me it's wrong
. judgment implies sense tempered and refined by experience, training, and maturity <
they relied on her judgment for guidance
. wisdom implies sense and judgment far above average <
a leader of rare wisdom
. II. transitive verb (sensed; sensing) Date: circa 1531 1. a. to perceive by the senses b. to be or become conscious of <
sense danger
2. grasp, comprehend 3. to detect automatically especially in response to a physical stimulus (as light or movement)

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Sense — Sense, n. [L. sensus, from sentire, sensum, to perceive, to feel, from the same root as E. send; cf. OHG. sin sense, mind, sinnan to go, to journey, G. sinnen to meditate, to think: cf. F. sens. For the change of meaning cf. {See}, v. t. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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