
I. noun Etymology: Middle English shittle, shutle, from Old English scutel, scytel dart; akin to Old Norse skutill bolt, Old English scēotan to shootmore at shoot Date: 14th century 1. a. a device used in weaving for passing the thread of the weft between the threads of the warp b. a spindle-shaped device holding the thread in tatting, knotting, or netting c. a sliding thread holder for the lower thread of a sewing machine that carries the lower thread through a loop of the upper thread to make a stitch 2. shuttlecock 3. a. a going back and forth regularly over an often short route by a vehicle b. (1) an established route used in a shuttle (2) a vehicle used in a shuttle <
a shuttle bus
c. space shuttleshuttleless adjective II. verb (shuttled; shuttling) Date: 1550 transitive verb 1. to cause to move or travel back and forth frequently 2. to transport in, by, or as if by a shuttle <
shuttled them to school
intransitive verb 1. to move or travel back and forth frequently 2. to move by or as if by a shuttle

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • shuttle — shut‧tle [ˈʆʌtl] noun [countable] TRAVEL a plane, bus, or train that goes backwards and forwards between two places: • The hotel provides a shuttle bus that takes you to and from the airport. * * * shuttle UK US /ˈʃʌtl/ noun [C] TRANSPORT ► a… …   Financial and business terms

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