
I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English steall; akin to Old High German stal place, stall and perhaps to Latin locus (Old Latin stlocus) place Date: before 12th century 1. a. a compartment for a domestic animal in a stable or barn b. a space marked off for parking a motor vehicle 2. a. a seat in the chancel of a church with back and sides wholly or partly enclosed b. a church pew c. chiefly British a front orchestra seat in a theaterusually used in plural 3. a booth, stand, or counter at which articles are displayed for sale 4. a protective sheath for a finger or toe 5. a small compartment <
a shower stall
; especially one with a toilet or urinal II. verb Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. to put into or keep in a stall 2. obsolete install 1 3. a. to bring to a standstill ; block; especially mire b. to cause (an engine) to stop usually inadvertently c. to cause (an aircraft or airfoil) to go into a stall intransitive verb 1. to come to a standstill (as from mired wheels or engine failure) 2. to experience a stall in flying III. noun Date: 1916 the condition of an airfoil or aircraft in which excessive angle of attack causes disruption of airflow with attendant loss of lift IV. noun Etymology: alteration of stale lure Date: 1846 a ruse to deceive or delay V. verb Etymology: 4stall Date: 1903 intransitive verb to play for time ; delay transitive verb to hold off, divert, or delay by evasion or deception

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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, , / (as in a stable), , , (as in mire), , / (where things are sold), , , / (for a dignitary in the choir of a church)

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  • Stall — (st[add]l), n. [OE. stal, AS. steall, stall, a place, seat, or station, a stable; akin to D. & OHG. stal, G. & Sw. stall, Icel. stallr, Dan. stald, originally, a standing place; akin also to G. stelle a place, stellen to place, Gr. ste llein to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Stall — Stall, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stalled} (st[add]ld); p. pr. & vb. n. {Stalling}.] [Cf. Sw. stalla, Dan. stalde.] 1. To put into a stall or stable; to keep in a stall or stalls; as, to stall an ox. [1913 Webster] Where King Latinus then his oxen… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Stall — can refer to: * Stall (enclosure), a small enclosure, as for market goods, or for an animal ** Market stall, makeshift or mobile structures for selling market goods or serving food. * Choir stall seating in a church for the choir * Stall (engine) …   Wikipedia

  • stall — ‘compartment, booth, etc’ [OE] and stall ‘stop’ [15] are distinct words, but they have a common ancestor, in prehistoric Germanic *stal , *stel ‘position’ (source of English still). This in turn was formed from the base *sta ‘stand’, which also… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • stall — ‘compartment, booth, etc’ [OE] and stall ‘stop’ [15] are distinct words, but they have a common ancestor, in prehistoric Germanic *stal , *stel ‘position’ (source of English still). This in turn was formed from the base *sta ‘stand’, which also… …   Word origins

  • stall — stall1 [stôl] n. [ME stal < OE steall, place, station, stall, stable, akin to OHG stal < IE base * stel , to place, set up, stiff, stem > STILL1] 1. a) Obs. a stable b) a compartment for one animal in a stable 2. any of various… …   English World dictionary

  • Stall — Stall, v. i. [AS. steallian to have room. See {Stall}, n.] 1. To live in, or as in, a stall; to dwell. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] We could not stall together In the whole world. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To kennel, as dogs. Johnson. [1913 Webster] 3. To …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Stall — Blason inconnu …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Stall — Sm std. (8. Jh.), mhd. stal, ahd. stal m./n., mndd. stal, mndl. stal Stammwort. Aus g. * stalla m. Stand , auch in anord. stallr Sockel, Krippe , ae. steall Stand, Stellung, Stall , afr. stall Stall . Das Wort, das mit stellen zusammengehört,… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Stall — Stall, Unterkunftsraum für die Haustiere. Der Viehstall muß so angelegt sein, daß den Tieren reine, gesunde Luft, Licht, ausreichender Raum, reine Ruhe und Lagerplätze, Schutz gegen Witterung, Insekten etc. und genügende Wärme zukommen, überdies… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Stall — Stall: Das altgerm. Substantiv mhd., ahd. stal, niederl. stal, engl. stall, schwed. stall bedeutet eigentlich »Standort, Stelle« (z. T. bis in frühnhd. Zeit; s. auch die Artikel ↑ installieren und ↑ Gestell). Von ihm ist das unter ↑ stellen… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

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