
I. transitive verb (stored; storing) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French estorer to establish, restore, supply, from Latin instaurare to resume, restore Date: 13th century 1. lay away, accumulate <
store vegetables for winter use
an organism that absorbs and stores DDT
2. furnish, supply; especially to stock against a future time <
store a ship with provisions
3. to place or leave in a location (as a warehouse, library, or computer memory) for preservation or later use or disposal 4. to provide storage room for ; hold <
elevators for storing surplus wheat
storable adjective II. noun Date: 13th century 1. a. something that is stored or kept for future use b. plural articles (as of food) accumulated for some specific object and drawn upon as needed ; stock, supplies c. something that is accumulated d. a source from which things may be drawn as needed ; a reserve fund 2. storageusually used with in <
when placing eggs in storeDublin Sunday Independent
3. value, importance <
set great store by a partner's opinion
4. a large quantity, supply, or number ; abundance 5. a. storehouse, warehouse b. chiefly British memory 4 6. a business establishment where usually diversified goods are kept for retail sale <
a grocery store
compare shop III. adjective Date: 1574 1. (or stores) of, relating to, kept in, or used for a store 2. purchased from a store as opposed to being natural or homemade ; manufactured, ready-made <
store clothes
store bread

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • store — [stôr] vt. stored, storing [ME storen < OFr estorer, to erect, furnish, store < L instaurare, to repair, restore, erect < in , IN 1 + staurare < IE base * stā , to STAND] 1. to put aside, or accumulate, for use when needed 2. to fill… …   English World dictionary

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