
I. verb (took; taken; taking) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English tacan, from Old Norse taka; akin to Middle Dutch taken to take Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1. to get into one's hands or into one's possession, power, or control: as a. to seize or capture physically <
took them as prisoners
b. to get possession of (as fish or game) by killing or capturing c. (1) to move against (as an opponent's piece in chess) and remove from play (2) to win in a card game <
able to take 12 tricks
d. to acquire by eminent domain 2. grasp, grip <
take the ax by the handle
3. a. to catch or attack through the effect of a sudden force or influence <
taken with a fit of laughing
taken ill
b. to catch or come upon in a particular situation or action <
was taken unawares
c. to gain the approval or liking of ; captivate, delight <
was quite taken with her at their first meeting
4. a. to receive into one's body (as by swallowing, drinking, or inhaling) <
take a pill
b. to put oneself into (as sun, air, or water) for pleasure or physical benefit c. to partake of ; eat <
takes dinner about seven
5. a. to bring or receive into a relation or connection <
takes just four students a year
it's time he took a wife
b. to copulate with 6. to transfer into one's own keeping: a. appropriate <
someone took my hat
b. to obtain or secure for use (as by lease, subscription, or purchase) <
take a cottage for the summer
I'll take the red one
took an ad in the paper
7. a. assume <
gods often took the likeness of a human being
when the college took its present form
b. (1) to enter into or undertake the duties of <
take a job
take office
(2) to move onto or into ; move into position on <
the home team took the field
take the witness stand
c. (1) to bind oneself by <
take the oath of office
(2) to make (a decision) especially with finality or authority d. to impose upon oneself <
take the trouble to do good work
take pains to make her feel welcome
e. (1) to adopt as one's own <
take a stand on the issue
take an interest
(2) to align or ally oneself with <
mother took his side
f. to assume as if rightfully one's own or as if granted <
take the credit
g. to accept the burden or consequences of <
took the blame
h. to have or assume as a proper part of or accompaniment to itself <
transitive verbs take an object
8. a. to secure by winning in competition <
took first place
b. defeat 9. to pick out ; choose, select <
took the best apple
10. to adopt, choose, or avail oneself of for use: as a. to have recourse to as an instrument for doing something <
take a scythe to the weeds
b. to use as a means of transportation or progression <
take the bus
c. to have recourse to for safety or refuge <
take shelter
d. to go along, into, or through <
took a different route
e. (1) to proceed to occupy <
take a seat in the rear
(2) to use up (as space or time) <
takes a long time to dry
(3) need, require <
takes a size nine shoe
it takes two to start a fight
11. a. to obtain by deriving from a source ; draw <
takes its title from the name of the hero
b. (1) to obtain as the result of a special procedure ; ascertain <
take the temperature
take a census
(2) to get in or as if in writing <
take notes
take an inventory
(3) to get by drawing or painting or by photography <
take a snapshot
(4) to get by transference from one surface to another <
take a proof
take fingerprints
12. to receive or accept whether willingly or reluctantly <
take a bribe
will you take this call
take a bet
: as a. (1) to submit to ; endure <
take a cut in pay
(2) withstand <
it will take a lot of punishment
(3) suffer <
took a direct hit
b. (1) to accept as true ; believe <
I'll take your word for it
(2) follow <
take my advice
(3) to accept or regard with the mind in a specified way <
took the news hard
you take yourself too seriously
c. to indulge in and enjoy <
was taking his ease on the porch
d. to receive or accept as a return (as in payment, compensation, or reparation) <
we don't take credit cards
e. to accept in a usually professional relationshipoften used with on <
agreed to take him on as a client
f. to refrain from hitting at (a pitched ball) <
take a strike
13. a. (1) to let in ; admit <
the boat was taking water fast
(2) accommodate <
the suitcase wouldn't take another thing
b. to be affected injuriously by (as a disease) ; contract <
take cold
; also to be seized by <
take a fit
take fright
c. to absorb or become impregnated with (as dye); also to be effectively treated by <
a surface that takes a fine polish
14. a. apprehend, understand <
how should I take your remark
b. consider, suppose <
I take it you're not going
c. reckon, accept <
taking a stride at 30 inches
d. feel, experience <
take pleasure
take an instant dislike to someone
take offense
15. a. to lead, carry, or cause to go along to another place <
this bus will take you into town
took an umbrella with her
b. to cause to move to a specified state, condition, or sphere of activity <
took the company public
took his team to the finals
c. to stop prescribing a specified regimen toused with off <
took him off the medication
16. a. remove <
take eggs from a nest
b. (1) to put an end to (life) (2) to remove by death <
was taken in his prime
c. subtract <
take two from four
d. exact <
the weather took its toll
17. a. to undertake and make, do, or perform <
take a walk
take aim
take legal action
take a test
take a look
b. to participate in <
take a meeting
18. a. to deal with <
take first things first
b. to consider or view in a particular relation <
taken together, the details were significant
; especially to consider as an example <
take style, for instance
c. (1) to apply oneself to the study of <
take music lessons
take French
(2) to study for especially successfully <
taking a degree in engineering
took holy orders
19. to obtain money from especially fraudulently <
took me for all I had
20. to pass or attempt to pass through, along, or over <
took the curve too fast
take the stairs two at a time
intransitive verb 1. to obtain possession: as a. capture b. to receive property under law as one's own 2. to lay hold ; catch, hold 3. to establish a take especially by uniting or growing <
90 percent of the grafts take
4. a. to betake oneself ; set out ; go <
take after a purse snatcher
b. chiefly dialectused as an intensifier or redundantly with a following verb <
took and swung at the ball
5. a. to take effect ; act, operate <
hoped the lesson he taught would take
b. to show the natural or intended effect <
dry fuel takes readily
6. charm, captivate <
a taking smile
7. detract 8. to be seized or attacked in a specified way ; become <
took sick
taker noun Synonyms: take, seize, grasp, clutch, snatch, grab mean to get hold of by or as if by catching up with the hand. take is a general term applicable to any manner of getting something into one's possession or control <
take some salad from the bowl
. seize implies a sudden and forcible movement in getting hold of something tangible or an apprehending of something fleeting or elusive when intangible <
seized the suspect
. grasp stresses a laying hold so as to have firmly in possession <
grasp the handle and pull
. clutch suggests avidity or anxiety in seizing or grasping and may imply less success in holding <
clutching her purse
. snatch suggests more suddenness or quickness but less force than seize <
snatched a doughnut and ran
. grab implies more roughness or rudeness than snatch <
grabbed roughly by the arm
. II. noun Date: 1654 1. something that is taken: a. the amount of money received ; proceeds, receipts, income b. share, cut <
wanted a bigger take
c. the number or quantity (as of animals, fish, or pelts) taken at one time ; catch, haul d. a section or installment done as a unit or at one time e. (1) a scene filmed or televised at one time without stopping the camera (2) a sound recording made during a single recording period; especially a trial recording 2. an act or the action of taking: as a. the action of killing, capturing, or catching (as game or fish) b. (1) the uninterrupted photographing or televising of a scene (2) the making of a sound recording 3. a. a local or systemic reaction indicative of successful vaccination (as against smallpox) b. a successful union (as of a graft) 4. a visible response or reaction (as to something unexpected) <
a delayed take
5. a distinct or personal point of view, outlook, or assessment <
was asked for her take on recent developments
; also a distinct treatment or variation <
a new take on an old style

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Take — Take, v. t. [imp. {Took} (t[oo^]k); p. p. {Taken} (t[=a]k n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Taking}.] [Icel. taka; akin to Sw. taga, Dan. tage, Goth. t[=e]kan to touch; of uncertain origin.] 1. In an active sense; To lay hold of; to seize with the hands, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • take — [tāk] vt. took, taken, taking [ME taken < OE tacan < ON taka < ? IE base * dēg , to lay hold of] I to get possession of by force or skill; seize, grasp, catch, capture, win, etc. 1. to get by conquering; capture; seize 2. to trap, snare …   English World dictionary

  • take — ► VERB (past took; past part. taken) 1) lay hold of with one s hands; reach for and hold. 2) occupy (a place or position). 3) capture or gain possession of by force. 4) carry or bring with one; convey. 5) remove from a place. 6) …   English terms dictionary

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