
I. adjective Etymology: Latin terminalis, from terminus Date: 1744 1. a. of or relating to an end, extremity, boundary, or terminus <
a terminal pillar
b. growing at the end of a branch or stem <
a terminal bud
2. a. of, relating to, or occurring in a term or each term <
terminal payments
b. (1) leading ultimately to death ; fatal <
terminal cancer
(2) approaching or close to death ; being in the final stages of a fatal disease <
a terminal patient
(3) of or relating to patients with a terminal illness <
terminal care
c. extremely or hopelessly severe <
terminal boredom
3. a. occurring at or constituting the end of a period or series ; concluding <
the terminal moments of life
b. not intended as preparation for further academic work <
a terminal curriculum
Synonyms: see lastterminally adverb II. noun Date: 1838 1. a part that forms the end ; extremity, termination 2. a terminating usually ornamental detail ; finial 3. a device attached to the end of a wire or cable or to an electrical apparatus for convenience in making connections 4. a. either end of a carrier line having facilities for the handling of freight and passengers b. a freight or passenger station that is central to a considerable area or serves as a junction at any point with other lines c. a town or city at the end of a carrier line ; terminus 5. a combination of a keyboard and output device (as a video display unit) by which data can be entered into or output from a computer or electronic communications system

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Terminal — may mean: In travel and transport *Pharmaceutical Buying House , is a private initiative global trading platform, located in Dhaka, Bangladesh *Airport terminal, a building at an airport *Bus terminal, a bus station *Container terminal, a… …   Wikipedia

  • terminal — ter‧mi‧nal [ˈtɜːmnl ǁ ˈtɜːr ] noun [countable] 1. a large building that is part of an airport, bus station, or port, where people wait to get onto planes, buses, or ships: • Your plane leaves from Terminal 4. 2. COMPUTING a piece of computer… …   Financial and business terms

  • terminal — TERMINÁL, Ă, terminali, e, adj., s.n. 1. adj. Care se află la extremitate, la capăt, la vârf. 2. s.n. Staţie de radioreleu, componentă a unei reţele de radiorelee. 3. s.n. Dispozitiv de intrare sau ieşire cuplat cu calculatorul (2); display video …   Dicționar Român

  • Terminal — Terminal, von lateinisch terminare ‚abgrenzen‘, steht für Containerterminal, eine Anlage, an der Container umgeladen werden Empfangsgebäude an einem Bahnhof, Flughafen (siehe auch Flughafenterminal) oder Fähranleger Lautsprecherterminal, eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Terminal — Ter mi*nal ( nal), a. [L. terminals: cf. F. terminal. See {Term}, n.] 1. Of or pertaining to the end or extremity; forming the extremity; as, a terminal edge. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) Growing at the end of a branch or stem; terminating; as, a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Terminal — Ter mi*nal, n. 1. That which terminates or ends; termination; extremity. [1913 Webster] 2. (Eccl.) Either of the ends of the conducting circuit of an electrical apparatus, as an inductorium, dynamo, or electric motor, usually provided with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • terminal — adjetivo 1. Que está al final o indica el final de una cosa o de una serie de cosas: Éstas son las obras terminales de la autopista. 2. Área: botánica Que está en el extremo de una parte de la planta: hoja terminal, rama terminal.… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • Terminal — se puede referir: En filosofía, al estado de un ser cuando se halla próximo a su fin ontológico. En un aeropuerto, a la instalación que permite a los pasajeros acceder a los vuelos desde los medios de transporte terrestres, como vehículos… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Terminal — Smn Abfertigungshalle; Sichtgerät einer Datenverarbeitungsanlage per. Wortschatz fach. (20. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. terminal (station), zu ne. terminal das Ende bildend , dieses aus l. terminālis zur Grenze gehörend , zu l. terminus m.… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • terminal — [tʉr′mə nəl] adj. [L terminalis] 1. of, at, or forming the end, extremity, or terminus of something [terminal feathers] 2. occurring at the end of a series; concluding; closing; final [a terminal payment] 3. designating, of, or having a fatal… …   English World dictionary

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