
I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Middle Low German; akin to Old High German trata track, course, Old English tredan to tread Date: 14th century 1. a. obsolete a path traversed ; way b. archaic a track or trail left by a person or animal ; tread 1 2. a customary course of action ; practice <
thy sin's not accidental, but a trade — Shakespeare
3. a. the business or work in which one engages regularly ; occupation b. an occupation requiring manual or mechanical skill ; craft c. the persons engaged in an occupation, business, or industry 4. a. obsolete dealings between persons or groups b. (1) the business of buying and selling or bartering commodities ; commerce (2) business, market <
novelties for the tourist trade
did a good trade in small appliances
5. a. an act or instance of trading ; transaction; also an exchange of property usually without use of money b. a firm's customers ; clientele c. the group of firms engaged in a business or industry 6. trade wind — usually used in plural 7. a publication intended for persons in the entertainment business — usually used in plural Synonyms: see business II. verb (traded; trading) Date: 1553 intransitive verb 1. obsolete to have dealings ; negotiate 2. a. to engage in the exchange, purchase, or sale of goods b. to make one's purchases ; shop <
trades at his store
3. to give one thing in exchange for another 4. sell 3 transitive verb 1. archaic to do business with 2. a. to give in exchange for another commodity ; barter; also to make an exchange of <
traded places
b. to engage in frequent buying and selling of (as stocks or commodities) usually in search of quick profits • tradable also tradeable adjective III. adjective Date: 1633 1. of, relating to, or used in trade 2. a. intended for or limited to persons in a business or industry <
a trade publication
trade sales
b. serving others in the same business rather than the ultimate user or consumer <
a trade printing house
3. (also trades) of, composed of, or representing the trades or trade unions <
a trade committee
4. having a larger softcover format than that of a mass-market paperback and usually sold only in bookstores <
trade paperbacks
; also of or relating to the publishing of such books

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Trade — Trade, n. [Formerly, a path, OE. tred a footmark. See {Tread}, n. & v.] 1. A track; a trail; a way; a path; also, passage; travel; resort. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] A postern with a blind wicket there was, A common trade to pass through Priam s house …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • trade — 1 n 1 a: the business or work in which one engages regularly b: an occupation requiring manual or mechanical skill c: the persons engaged in an occupation 2: the business of buying and selling or bartering commodities 3: an act or instance of… …   Law dictionary

  • trade — [trād] n. [ME, a track, course of action < MLowG, a track < OS trada, a trace, trail, akin to ME trede, TREAD] 1. Obs. a) a track; path b) a course; regular procedure 2. a) a means of earning one s living; occupation, work, or line of… …   English World dictionary

  • trade — n 1 Trade, craft, handicraft, art, profession are general terms which designate a pursuit followed as an occupation or means of livelihood and requiring technical knowledge and skill. Trade is applied chiefly to pursuits involving skilled manual… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • trade-in — ˈtrade in noun [countable, uncountable] COMMERCE a way of buying a new car, computer etc in which you give the seller your old car etc as part of the payment; = part Bre: • A dealer may accept old equipment as a trade in on a new computer. • They …   Financial and business terms

  • trade — ► NOUN 1) the buying and selling of goods and services. 2) a commercial activity of a particular kind: the tourist trade. 3) a job requiring manual skills and special training. 4) (the trade) (treated as sing. or pl. ) the people engaged in a… …   English terms dictionary

  • trade-in — trade′ in n. 1) goods given in whole or, usu., part payment of a purchase: We used our old car as a trade in for the new one[/ex] 2) a business transaction involving a trade in 3) of or pertaining to the valuation of goods used in a trade in:… …   From formal English to slang

  • trade — (izg. trȇjd) m DEFINICIJA trg. trgovina, trgovanje SINTAGMA trade mark (izg. trade mȃrk) zaštitna ili trgovačka marka, žig, oznaka za robu jednog proizvođača; trade union (izg. trade jȕnion) radnički sindikat u Velikoj Britaniji, SAD u i drugim… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • trade-in — n AmE a used car, piece of equipment etc that you give to a seller of a new one that you are buying as part of the payment British Equivalent: part exchange ▪ Are you going to give your Ford as a trade in? trade in price/value ▪ The trade in… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Trade — Trade, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Traded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Trading}.] 1. To barter, or to buy and sell; to be engaged in the exchange, purchase, or sale of goods, wares, merchandise, or anything else; to traffic; to bargain; to carry on commerce as a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Trade — Trade, v. t. To sell or exchange in commerce; to barter. [1913 Webster] They traded the persons of men. Ezek. xxvii. 13. [1913 Webster] To dicker and to swop, to trade rifles and watches. Cooper. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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