- care less
- phrasal
not to care — used positively and negatively with the same meaning <I could care less what happens> <>
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
care´less|ly — care|less «KAIR lihs», adjective. 1. not thinking what one says or not watching what one does; not taking enough pains; not careful: »That careless boy broke the cup. A careless mistake ruined the experiment. 2. done without enough thought or… … Useful english dictionary
care|less — «KAIR lihs», adjective. 1. not thinking what one says or not watching what one does; not taking enough pains; not careful: »That careless boy broke the cup. A careless mistake ruined the experiment. 2. done without enough thought or effort; not… … Useful english dictionary
care less — phrasal : not to care used positively and negatively with the same meaning I could care less what happens I couldn t care less what happens … Useful english dictionary
care less — See couldn t care less … A concise dictionary of English slang
care´less|ness — care|less «KAIR lihs», adjective. 1. not thinking what one says or not watching what one does; not taking enough pains; not careful: »That careless boy broke the cup. A careless mistake ruined the experiment. 2. done without enough thought or… … Useful english dictionary
could/couldn't care less — informal ◇ If you could care less (US) or couldn t care less, you are not at all concerned about or interested in something. I could care less what happens. [=I don t care what happens] He says he couldn t care less if he gets fired … Useful english dictionary
couldn't care less — I, etc do not care in the least ● care * * * couldn t care less see ↑care, 2 • • • Main Entry: ↑couldn t * * * couldn t care ˈless idiom (informal … Useful english dictionary
Battle of Who Could Care Less — Infobox Single Name = Battle of Who Could Care Less Caption = Artist = Ben Folds Five from Album = Whatever and Ever Amen Genre = Piano rock Length = Label = Epic Records Writer = Ben Folds Producer = Certification = Last single = Underground… … Wikipedia
someone couldn't care less — someone couldn’t care less as if someone cares what does someone care? spoken phrase used for emphasizing that someone thinks something is unimportant. These phrases usually show that the speaker is angry or upset I couldn’t care less how you do… … Useful english dictionary
couldn't care less — {v. phr.}, {informal} To be indifferent; not care at all. * /The students couldn t care less about the band; they talk all through the concert./ Also heard increasingly as could care less (nonstandard in this form.) … Dictionary of American idioms