
I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin vision-, visio, from vidēre to seemore at wit Date: 14th century 1. a. something seen in a dream, trance, or ecstasy; especially a supernatural appearance that conveys a revelation b. a thought, concept, or object formed by the imagination c. a manifestation to the senses of something immaterial <
look, not at visions, but at realitiesEdith Wharton
2. a. the act or power of imagination b. (1) mode of seeing or conceiving (2) unusual discernment or foresight <
a person of vision
c. direct mystical awareness of the supernatural usually in visible form 3. a. the act or power of seeing ; sight b. the special sense by which the qualities of an object (as color, luminosity, shape, and size) constituting its appearance are perceived through a process in which light rays entering the eye are transformed by the retina into electrical signals that are transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve 4. a. something seen b. a lovely or charming sightvisional adjectivevisionally adverb II. transitive verb (visioned; visioning) Date: 1743 envision

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • vision — Vision. s. f. v. Action de la faculté de voir. De quelle maniere, & en quelle partie de l oeil se fait la vision. La vision beatifique, en termes de Theologie, C est l action par laquelle les bien heureux voyent Dieu. Il sign. aussi, Les choses… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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