- wear
I. verb
(wore; worn; wearing)
Etymology: Middle English weren, from Old English werian; akin to Old Norse verja to clothe, invest, spend, Latin vestis clothing, garment, Greek hennynai to clothe
Date: before 12th century
transitive verb
1. to bear or have on the person <wore a coat> 2. a. to use habitually for clothing, adornment, or assistance <wears a size 10> <wear glasses> b. to carry on the person <wear a sword> 3. a. to hold the rank or dignity or position signified by (an ornament) <wear the royal crown> b. exhibit, present <wore a happy smile> <commend the book for wearing its research so lightly — Brad Leithauser> c. to show or fly (a flag or colors) on a ship 4. a. to cause to deteriorate by use b. to impair or diminish by use or attrition ; consume or waste gradually <letters on the stone worn away by weathering> 5. to produce gradually by friction or attrition <wear a hole in the rug> 6. to exhaust or lessen the strength of ; weary, fatigue 7. to cause (a ship) to go about with the stern presented to the wind 8. British to accept or tolerate without complaint ; put up with — usually used in negative constructions <your mates wouldn't wear it — Colin MacInnes> 9. take on 3a intransitive verb 1. a. to endure use ; last under use or the passage of time <material that will wear for years> b. to retain quality or vitality <the classics wear well> 2. a. to diminish or decay through use <the heels of his shoes began to wear> b. to diminish or fail with the passage of time <the effect of the drug wore off> <the day wore on> c. to grow or become by attrition or use <the blade wore dull> 3. of a ship to change to an opposite tack by turning the stern to the wind — compare tack • wearer noun II. noun Date: 15th century 1. the act of wearing ; the state of being worn ; use <clothes for everyday wear> 2. a. clothing or an article of clothing usually of a particular kind; especially clothing worn for a special occasion or popular during a specific period b. fashion, vogue 3. wearing quality ; durability under use 4. the result of wearing or use ; diminution or impairment due to use <wear-resistant surface>
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.