- work
I. noun
Etymology: Middle English werk, work, from Old English werc, weorc; akin to Old High German werc work, Greek ergon, Avestan varəzem activity
Date: before 12th century
1. activity in which one exerts strength or faculties to do or perform something:
a. sustained physical or mental effort to overcome obstacles and achieve an objective or result
b. the labor, task, or duty that is one's accustomed means of livelihood
c. a specific task, duty, function, or assignment often being a part or phase of some larger activity
a. energy expended by natural phenomena
b. the result of such energy <sand dunes are the work of sea and wind> c. the transference of energy that is produced by the motion of the point of application of a force and is measured by multiplying the force and the displacement of its point of application in the line of action 3. a. something that results from a particular manner or method of working, operating, or devising <careful police work> <clever camera work> b. something that results from the use or fashioning of a particular material <porcelain work> 4. a. a fortified structure (as a fort, earthen barricade, or trench) b. plural structures in engineering (as docks, bridges, or embankments) or mining (as shafts or tunnels) 5. plural but singular or plural in construction a place where industrial labor is carried on ; plant, factory 6. plural the working or moving parts of a mechanism <the works of a clock> 7. a. something produced or accomplished by effort, exertion, or exercise of skill <this book is the work of many hands> b. something produced by the exercise of creative talent or expenditure of creative effort ; artistic production <an early work by a major writer> 8. plural performance of moral or religious acts <salvation by works> 9. a. effective operation ; effect, result <wait for time to do its healing work> b. manner of working ; workmanship, execution 10. the material or piece of material that is operated upon at any stage in the process of manufacture 11. plural a. everything possessed, available, or belonging <the whole works, rod, reel, tackle box, went overboard> <ordered pizza with the works> b. subjection to drastic treatment ; all possible abuse — usually used with get <get the works> or give <gave them the works> Synonyms: work, labor, travail, toil, drudgery, grind mean activity involving effort or exertion. work may imply activity of body, of mind, of a machine, or of a natural force <too tired to do any work>. labor applies to physical or intellectual work involving great and often strenuous exertion <farmers demanding fair compensation for their labor>. travail is bookish for labor involving pain or suffering <years of travail were lost when the house burned>. toil implies prolonged and fatiguing labor <his lot would be years of back-breaking toil>. drudgery suggests dull and irksome labor <an editorial job with a good deal of drudgery>. grind implies labor exhausting to mind or body <the grind of the assembly line>. Synonyms: work, employment, occupation, calling, pursuit, métier, business mean a specific sustained activity engaged in especially in earning one's living. work may apply to any purposeful activity whether remunerative or not <her work as a hospital volunteer>. employment implies work for which one has been engaged and is being paid by an employer <your employment with this firm is hereby terminated>. occupation implies work in which one engages regularly especially as a result of training <his occupation as a trained auto mechanic>. calling applies to an occupation viewed as a vocation or profession <the ministry seemed my true calling>. pursuit suggests a trade, profession, or avocation followed with zeal or steady interest <her family considered medicine the only proper pursuit>. métier implies a calling or pursuit for which one believes oneself to be especially fitted <acting was my one and only métier>. business suggests activity in commerce or the management of money and affairs <the business of managing a hotel>. II. adjective Date: 14th century 1. used for work <a work elephant> 2. suitable or styled for wear while working <work clothes> 3. involving or engaged in work <a work gang> <work hours> III. verb (worked or wrought; working) Etymology: Middle English werken, worken, from Old English wyrcan; akin to Old English weorc Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1. to bring to pass ; effect <work miracles> 2. a. to fashion or create a useful or desired product by expending labor or exertion on ; forge, shape <work flint into tools> b. to make or decorate with needlework; especially embroider 3. a. to prepare for use by stirring or kneading b. to bring into a desired form by a gradual process of cutting, hammering, scraping, pressing, or stretching <work cold steel> 4. to set or keep in motion, operation, or activity ; cause to operate or produce <a pump worked by hand> <work farmland> 5. to solve (a problem) by reasoning or calculation — often used with out 6. a. to cause to toil or labor <worked their horses nearly to death> b. to make use of ; exploit c. to control or guide the operation of <switches are worked from a central tower> 7. a. to carry on an operation or perform a job through, at, in, or along <the salespeople worked both sides of the street> <a sportscaster hired to work the game> b. to greet and talk with in a friendly way in order to ingratiate oneself or achieve a purpose <politicians working the crowd> <worked the room> 8. to pay for or achieve with labor or service <worked my way through college> <worked my way up in the company> 9. a. to get (oneself or an object) into or out of a condition or position by gradual stages b. contrive, arrange <we can work it so that you can take your vacation> 10. a. to practice trickery or cajolery on for some end <worked the management for a free ticket> b. excite, provoke <worked myself into a rage> intransitive verb 1. a. to exert oneself physically or mentally especially in sustained effort for a purpose or under compulsion or necessity b. to perform or carry through a task requiring sustained effort or continuous repeated operations <worked all day over a hot stove> c. to perform work or fulfill duties regularly for wages or salary <works in publishing> 2. to function or operate according to plan or design <hinges work better with oil> 3. to exert an influence or tendency 4. to produce a desired effect or result ; succeed <a plan that will work> 5. a. to make way slowly and with difficulty ; move or progress laboriously <worked up to the presidency> b. to sail to windward 6. to permit of being worked ; react in a specified way to being worked <this wood works easily> 7. a. to be in agitation or restless motion b. ferment 1 c. to move slightly in relation to another part d. to get into a specified condition by slow or imperceptible movements <the knot worked loose>
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.