
I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wrang, from *wrang, adjective, wrong Date: before 12th century 1. a. an injurious, unfair, or unjust act ; action or conduct inflicting harm without due provocation or just cause b. a violation or invasion of the legal rights of another; especially tort 2. something wrong, immoral, or unethical; especially principles, practices, or conduct contrary to justice, goodness, equity, or law 3. the state, position, or fact of being or doing wrong: as a. the state of being mistaken or incorrect b. the state of being guilty Synonyms: see injustice II. adjective (wronger; wrongest) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English *wrang, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse rangr awry, wrong, Danish vrang wrong side; akin to Old English wringan to wring Date: 13th century 1. not according to the moral standard ; sinful, immoral <
thought that war was wrong
2. not right or proper according to a code, standard, or convention ; improper <
it was wrong not to thank your host
3. not according to truth or facts ; incorrect <
gave a wrong date
4. not satisfactory (as in condition, results, health, or temper) 5. not in accordance with one's needs, intent, or expectations <
took the wrong bus
6. of, relating to, or constituting the side of something that is usually held to be opposite to the principal one, that is the one naturally or by design turned down, inward, or away, or that is the least finished or polishedwrongly adverbwrongness noun III. adverb Date: 13th century 1. without accuracy ; incorrectly <
guessed wrong
2. without regard for what is proper or just <
was reprimanded for what he had done wrong
3. in a wrong direction <
turned wrong at the junction
4. a. in an unsuccessful or unfortunate way <
something went wrong
b. out of working order or condition 5. in a false light <
don't get me wrong
IV. transitive verb (wronged; wronging) Date: 14th century 1. a. to do wrong to ; injure, harm b. to treat disrespectfully or dishonorably ; violate 2. defraudusually used with of <
wronged them of their land
3. discredit, malignwronger noun Synonyms: wrong, oppress, persecute, aggrieve mean to injure unjustly or outrageously. wrong implies inflicting injury either unmerited or out of proportion to what one deserves <
a penal system that had wronged him
. oppress suggests inhumane imposing of burdens one cannot endure or exacting more than one can perform <
a people oppressed by a warmongering tyrant
. persecute implies a relentless and unremitting subjection to annoyance or suffering <
a child persecuted by constant criticism
. aggrieve implies suffering caused by an infringement or denial of rights <
a legal aid society representing aggrieved minority groups

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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