
adjective or noun see Maghreb

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Maghribi — Arabe maghrébin Le terme arabe maghrébin (maghribi[1]) désigne un ensemble de parlers dérivés de l arabe, plus ou moins homogènes qui sont utilisés au Maghreb et qui se distinguent clairement des autres dialectes du Machrek. Il forme plus… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • maghribi script — ▪ Arabic calligraphy maghribi also spelled  maghrebi        in calligraphy, Islamic cursive style of handwritten alphabet that developed directly from the early Kūfic (Kūfic script) angular scripts used by the Muslim peoples of the Maghrib, who… …   Universalium

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  • maghribi — ma·ghri·bi …   English syllables

  • maghribi — noun see maghrebi …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ibn Yahyā al-Maghribī al-Samaw'al — transl|ar|ALA|Ibn Yaḥyā al Maghribī al Samawʾal مغربي، السموءل بن يحي، also known as Samau al al Maghribi (c. 1130 in Baghdad, Iraq ndash; c. 1180 in Maragha, Iran) was an Arab Muslim mathematician and astronomer of Jewish descent. [… …   Wikipedia

  • Muhyi al-Dīn al-Maghribī — Muḥyi al Dīn al Maghribī, (Arabic,محي الدين المغربي) (c.1220 Spain – c.1283 Iran) was a Muslim astronomer and mathematician born in Spain, worked in Damascus, Syria and eventually in the Maragha observatory in Maragha, Ilkhanate of Persia, where… …   Wikipedia

  • Mahmud Sulayman al-Maghribi — Mahmood Suleiman Maghribi محمود سليمان المغربي Prime Minister of Libya In office 8 September 1969 – 16 January 1970 Preceded by Wanis al Qaddafi Succeeded by Muammar Gaddafi …   Wikipedia

  • Ibn Said al-Maghribi — Ali ibn Musa ibn Said al Maghribi ( ar. علي بن موسى المغربي بن سعيد) (1213 1286) [cite paper |last=Fernandes |first=Maria Alice |coauthors=Abdallah Khawli and Luís Fraga da Silva |title=A viagem de Ibn Ammâr de São Brás a Silves… …   Wikipedia

  • Al-Maghribī — (meaning from Maghreb ) can refer to the following persons:*transl|ar|ALA|Ibn Yaḥyā al Maghribī al Samawʾal, mathematician and astronomer of the 12th century. *transl|ar|ALA|Muḥyi al Dīn al Maghribī (1220 1283), an Arab astronomer *Mahmud… …   Wikipedia

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