- Tay-Sachs
- noun see Tay-Sachs disease
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Tay-Sachs — fatal inherited disorder, 1907, named in Ger. (1901) by H. Higier from names of British ophthalmologist Warren Tay (1843 1927) and U.S. physician and neurologist Warren Sachs (1858 1944) who described it in 1881 and 1887 respectively … Etymology dictionary
Tay-Sachs — noun a hereditary disorder of lipid metabolism occurring most frequently in individuals of Jewish descent in eastern Europe; accumulation of lipids in nervous tissue results in death in early childhood • Syn: ↑Tay Sachs disease, ↑Sachs disease,… … Useful english dictionary
Tay-Sachs disease — tā saks n a hereditary disorder of lipid metabolism that typically affects individuals of eastern European Jewish ancestry, that is marked by the accumulation of lipids esp. in nervous tissue due to a deficiency of hexosaminidase A, that is… … Medical dictionary
TAY-SACHS DISEASE — (Amaurotic Familial Idiocy). Amaurotic Familial Idiocy, known as the Tay Sachs Disease after W. Tay, an English ophthalmologist who discovered it in 1881, and B. Sachs, a U.S. neurologist who followed in 1887, is a hereditary disease,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Tay-Sachs disease — /tay saks /, Pathol. a rare fatal hereditary disease, occurring chiefly in infants and children, esp. of eastern European Jewish origin, characterized by a red spot on the retina, gradual blindness, and paralysis. [1920 25; named after W. Tay… … Universalium
Tay-Sachs Disease — Tay Sachs Disease, n. (Med.) A rare hereditary disease affecting lipid metabolism in humans, due to a deficiency of hexosaminidase. It occurs in infants and children, and causes death before the onset of adulthood. It occurs most commonly of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tay Sachs, enfermedad de — metabol. Ganglosidosis de origen hereditario y de transmisión autosómica recesiva que se caracteriza por la acumulación de gangliósidos GM2 tipo I en el sistema nervioso. Es una enfermedad letal y se manifiesta en niños de 3 a 6 meses, provocando … Diccionario médico
Tay-Sachs-Krankheit — [te̱i ßạ...; nach dem engl. Augenarzt Warren Tay, 1843 1944, und dem amer. Neurologen Bernard Sachs, 1854 bis 1944]: = amaurotische Idiotie … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Tay-Sachs disease — Tay′ Sachs′ disease [[t]ˈteɪˈsæks[/t]] n. pat a degenerative brain disorder caused by lack of or deficiency in an essential enzyme, usu. resulting in mental and physical deterioration and death in early childhood • Etymology: 1905–10; after… … From formal English to slang
Tay-Sachs disease — ☆ Tay Sachs disease [tā′saks′ ] n. [after W. Tay (1843 1927), Eng physician, & B. Sachs (1858 1944), U.S. neurologist, who described it] a hereditary condition, found chiefly among descendants of some Eastern European Jews, caused by an enzyme… … English World dictionary