
adjective see awestruck

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • awestricken — index diffident Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • awestricken — adj. (also awestruck) struck or afflicted with awe. * * * adjective having or showing a feeling of mixed reverence and respect and wonder and dread stood in awed silence before the shrine in grim despair and awestruck wonder • Syn: ↑awed,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • awestricken — adjective Filled with awe. Syn: awestruck, awed …   Wiktionary

  • awestricken — adj. struck with reverential fear, amazed …   English contemporary dictionary

  • awestruck — also awestricken adjective Date: 1634 filled with awe …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • `Abbas ibn `Abd al-Muttalib — ( ar. العباس بن عبد المطلب) (c. 566 ndash; c. 653) was a paternal uncle and Sahabi (companion) of Muhammad.Key facts*He married Umm al Fadl Lubaba and is the father of Abdullah ibn Abbas and Fadl ibn Abbas. *He was only born a few years before… …   Wikipedia

  • awe-struck — /aw struk /, adj. filled with awe. Also, awestruck, awe stricken, awestricken /aw strik euhn/. [1625 35] * * * …   Universalium

  • awed — adjective /ɔːd/ a) Filled with awe. b) Having or showing awe. Syn: thunderstruck, awestruck, awestricken …   Wiktionary

  • diffident — I adjective abashed, awestricken, awestruck, bashful, blushful, blushing, cautious, demure, deprecating, deprecative, diffidens, embarrassed, fainthearted, faltering, hesitating, humble, humbled, lacking self confidence, modest, overanxious,… …   Law dictionary

  • adoring — Synonyms and related words: Christian, Christianlike, Christianly, admiring, adorant, affectionate, apotheosizing, awed, awestricken, awestruck, believing, conjugal, cultish, cultist, cultistic, deifying, demonstrative, devoted, devotional,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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