
adjective see camouflage I

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • camouflage — I. noun Etymology: French, from camoufler to disguise Date: 1917 1. the disguising especially of military equipment or installations with paint, nets, or foliage; also the disguise so applied 2. a. concealment by means of disguise b. behavior or… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Fine print — This article is about small size of text. For other uses, see Fine print (disambiguation). Fine print, small print, or mouseprint is less noticeable print smaller than the more obvious larger print it accompanies that advertises or otherwise… …   Wikipedia

  • camouflage — camouflageable, adj. camouflager, n. camouflagic, adj. /kam euh flahzh /, n., adj., v., camouflaged, camouflaging. n. 1. the act, means, or result of obscuring things to deceive an enemy, as by painting or screening objects so that they are lost… …   Universalium

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