
adjective Etymology: Devon, England Date: 1612 1. of or relating to Devonshire, England 2. of, relating to, or being the period of the Paleozoic era between the Silurian and the Mississippian or the corresponding system of rockssee geologic time tableDevonian noun

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • devonian — DEVONIÁN, Ă, devonieni, e, adj. l. (În sintagma) Perioada (sau era) devoniană (şi substantival, n.) = a treia (sau a patra) perioadă a erei paleozoice, caracterizată prin existenţa plantelor cu organizare simplă, a tuturor claselor de… …   Dicționar Român

  • Devonian — De*vo ni*an, a. (Geol.) Of or pertaining to Devon or Devonshire in England; as, the Devonian rocks, period, or system. [1913 Webster] {Devonian age} (Geol.), the age next older than the Carboniferous and later than the Silurian; called also the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Devonian — [di vō′nē ən] adj. 1. of Devon, England 2. [sometimes d ] designating or of the fourth geologic period of the Paleozoic Era, characterized by the development of the first ferns, mosses, gymnosperms, sharks, bony fishes, amphibians, and wingless… …   English World dictionary

  • Devonian — De*vo ni*an, n. The Devonian age or formation. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Devonian — 1837, as a geological era, from the English county of DEVON (Cf. Devon), where the Old Red Sandstone formations of that age are prominent …   Etymology dictionary

  • Devonian — For the Celtic language, see Southwestern Brythonic language; for the residents of the English county, see Devon. Devonian Period 416–359.2 million years ago …   Wikipedia

  • Devonian — /deuh voh nee euhn/, adj. 1. Geol. noting or pertaining to a period of the Paleozoic Era, 405 to 345 million years ago, characterized by the dominance of fishes and the advent of amphibians and ammonites. See table under geologic time. 2. of or… …   Universalium

  • Devonian — 1. adjective a) of a geologic period within the Paleozoic era; comprises lower, middle and upper epochs from about 415 to 360 million years ago b) Of or pertaining to the English region of Devon. 2. noun …   Wiktionary

  • Devonian — De•vo•ni•an [[t]dəˈvoʊ ni ən[/t]] adj. 1) gel noting or pertaining to a period of the Paleozoic Era, 405 million to 345 million years ago, characterized by the dominance of fishes and the advent of amphibians and ammonites 2) of or pertaining to… …   From formal English to slang

  • Devonian — /dəˈvoʊniən / (say duh vohneeuhn) adjective 1. relating to a geological period or a system of rocks following the Silurian and preceding the Carboniferous. –noun 2. the Devonian period or system …  

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