
noun (plural analyses) Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, from analyein to break up, from ana- + lyein to loosenmore at lose Date: 1581 1. separation of a whole into its component parts 2. a. the identification or separation of ingredients of a substance b. a statement of the constituents of a mixture 3. a. proof of a mathematical proposition by assuming the result and deducing a valid statement by a series of reversible steps b. (1) a branch of mathematics concerned mainly with limits, continuity, and infinite series (2) calculus 1b 4. a. an examination of a complex, its elements, and their relations b. a statement of such an analysis 5. a. a method in philosophy of resolving complex expressions into simpler or more basic ones b. clarification of an expression by an elucidation of its use in discourse 6. the use of function words instead of inflectional forms as a characteristic device of a language 7. psychoanalysis

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • analysis — a‧nal‧y‧sis [əˈnælss] noun analyses PLURALFORM [ siːz] [countable, uncountable] 1. a careful examination of something in order to understand it better: • The researchers carried out a detailed analysis of recent trends in share prices. •… …   Financial and business terms

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  • analysis — (n.) 1580s, resolution of anything complex into simple elements (opposite of synthesis), from M.L. analysis (15c.), from Gk. analysis a breaking up, a loosening, releasing, noun of action from analyein unloose, release, set free; to loose a ship… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • Analysis — A*nal y*sis, n.; pl. {Analyses}. [Gr. ?, fr. ? to unloose, to dissolve, to resolve into its elements; ? up + ? to loose. See {Loose}.] 1. A resolution of anything, whether an object of the senses or of the intellect, into its constituent or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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