
noun Date: 1860 a railing for guarding against danger or trespass; especially a barrier (as of steel cables) placed along the edge of a highway at dangerous points

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • guardrail — guard rail n. a railing placed alongside a stairway or road for safety. Syn: safety rail. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Guardrail — can refer to*Guard rails installed on road sides for automobile safety *Roof edge protection, rails installed on roofs to protect construction and roofing workers …   Wikipedia

  • guardrail — / gɑ:dreil/, it. /gar dreil/ s. ingl. [comp. di guard difesa, protezione e rail sbarra, rotaia ], usato in ital. al masch. (trasp.) [barriera di protezione posta ai bordi delle strade] ▶◀ (non com.) barriera di sicurezza, (non com.) guardavia …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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  • guardrail — [gärd′rāl΄] n. 1. a railing that serves as a protective barrier, as on a staircase or alongside a highway ☆ 2. an extra rail alongside the main rail of a railroad at a crossing, etc., as to keep the cars on the track …   English World dictionary

  • guardrail — guard·rail s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} barriera protettiva di metallo o in muratura posta lungo i margini delle strade, spec. nelle curve e nei tratti di maggior pericolo, o in corrispondenza dello spartitraffico centrale delle autostrade,… …   Dizionario italiano

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  • guardrail — /gahrd rayl /, n. 1. Also, guardrailing. a protective railing, as along a road or stairway. 2. Railroads. a rail laid parallel to a track to prevent derailment or to keep derailed rolling stock from leaving the roadbed. [1825 35; GUARD + RAIL1] * …   Universalium

  • guardrail — noun A rail placed alongside a dangerous place in order to improve safety …   Wiktionary

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