
adjective Date: 14th century 1. a. serving as a crucial means, agent, or tool <
was instrumental in organizing the strike
b. of, relating to, or done with an instrument or tool 2. relating to, composed for, or performed on a musical instrument 3. of, relating to, or being a grammatical case or form expressing means or agency 4. of or relating to instrumentalism 5. operant 3 <
instrumental learning
instrumental conditioning
instrumental nouninstrumentally adverb

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • instrumental — Instrumental …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • instrumental — instrumental, ale, aux [ ɛ̃strymɑ̃tal, o ] adj. • 1563; instrumentele 1361; de instrument 1 ♦ Didact. Qui sert d instrument. Les pièces instrumentales d un procès. 2 ♦ (1390) Qui s exécute avec des instruments. Musique instrumentale (opposé à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • instrumental — INSTRUMENTÁL, Ă, instrumentali, e, adj. 1. Făcut, executat cu ajutorul instrumentelor. 2. (gram.; în sintagma) Complement circumstanţial instrumental = complement circumstanţial care arată mijlocul prin care se realizează o acţiune. – Din fr.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Instrumental — In stru*men tal, a. [Cf. F. instrumental.] [1913 Webster] 1. Acting as an instrument; serving as a means; contributing to promote; conductive; helpful; serviceable; as, he was instrumental in conducting the business. [1913 Webster] The head is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • instrumental — 1. adj. Perteneciente o relativo al instrumento. Elemento de orden instrumental. [m6]Medios instrumentales. 2. Que sirve de instrumento o tiene función de tal. Agente instrumental. 3. Perteneciente o relativo a los instrumentos musicales. Canto… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • instrumental — instrumental, ale (in stru man tal, ta l ) adj. 1°   Qui sert d instrument. La cause instrumentale. 2°   Terme de grammaire. Cas instrumental, cas qui se trouve dans quelques langues, entre autres le sanscrit, et qui exprime l instrument, le… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • instrumental — adjetivo 1. De los instrumentos, en especial los musicales: canto instrumental. música* instrumental. 2. Que sirve de instrumento: Hay los medios instrumentales necesarios para arreglar esta situación. sustantivo masculino 1. Conjun …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • instrumental — m. med. Conjunto de aparatos, máquinas y herramientas (instrumentos) necesarios para realizar una intervención determinada. Medical Dictionary. 2011 …   Diccionario médico

  • instrumental — (adj.) late 14c., of the nature of an instrument, from O.Fr. instrumental, from M.L. instrumentalis, from L. instrumentum (see INSTRUMENT (Cf. instrument)). Meaning serviceable, useful is from c.1600. Of music, c.1500; noun meaning musical… …   Etymology dictionary

  • instrumental — [in΄strə ment′ l] adj. [ME < MFr < ML instrumentalis] 1. serving as a means; helpful (in bringing something about) 2. of or performed with an instrument or tool 3. of, performed on, or written for a musical instrument or instruments 4. of… …   English World dictionary

  • instrumental — I adjective advantageous, aiding, assisting, auxiliary, beneficial, conducive, contributory, helpful, indispensable, serviceable, useful, valuable II index causal, clerical, constructive (creative …   Law dictionary

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