
noun Date: 1909 a conjugated protein that is a complex of protein and lipid — compare HDL, LDL, VLDL

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Lipoprotein(a) — (also called Lp(a)) is a lipoprotein subclass. Studies have identified Lp(a) as a putative risk factor for atherosclerotic diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke.cite journal | author = Danesh J, Collins R, Peto R | title =… …   Wikipedia

  • Lipoprotein-X — (Lp X) is an abnormal low density lipoprotein found in cholestasis. Structure Lipoprotein X is a lamellar particle of 30 to 70 nm in diameter as revealed by electron microscopy. It is characterized by its high content of phospholipids (66% by… …   Wikipedia

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  • Lipoprotein a — Apolipoprotein(a) Masse/Länge Primärstruktur 4529 Aminosäuren …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Lipoprotein — Lipoproteine sind nicht kovalente Aggregate aus Lipid und Protein und bilden mizellenähnliche Partikel mit einem unpolaren Kern aus Cholesterinestern und Triglyceriden und einer zur wässrigen Phase gerichteten Hülle mit polaren, hydrophilen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lipoprotein — A complex of lipid and protein, the way lipids travel in the blood. Cholesterol, a building block of the outer layer of cells (cell membranes), is transported through the blood in the form of water soluble carrier molecules known as lipoproteins …   Medical dictionary

  • lipoprotein — n. one of a group of compounds, found in blood plasma and lymph, each consisting of a protein (see apolipoprotein) combined with a lipid (which may be cholesterol, a triglyceride, or a phospholipid). Lipoproteins are important for the transport… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • lipoprotein — /lip euh proh teen, tee in, luy peuh /, n. Biochem. any of the class of proteins that contain a lipid combined with a simple protein. [1905 10; LIPO 1 + PROTEIN] * * * Any of a class of organic compounds that contain both lipid (fat) and protein …   Universalium

  • Lipoprotein — lipoproteinai statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Sudėtiniai baltymai, kurių molekulės susideda iš baltyminės dalies ir lipidų. Yra kraujyje, ląstelių ir organoidų membranose. atitikmenys: angl. lipoprotein vok. Lipoprotein, n… …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • lipoprotein — lipoproteinai statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Sudėtiniai baltymai, kurių molekulės susideda iš baltyminės dalies ir lipidų. Yra kraujyje, ląstelių ir organoidų membranose. atitikmenys: angl. lipoprotein vok. Lipoprotein, n… …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

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