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Attractive — At*tract ive, a. [Cf. F. attractif.] 1. Having the power or quality of attracting or drawing; as, the attractive force of bodies. Sir I. Newton. [1913 Webster] 2. Attracting or drawing by moral influence or pleasurable emotion; alluring;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Attractive — may refer to: * Physical attractiveness * Attractive or repulsive force (physics). * Attractive nuisance doctrine, a legal concept … Wikipedia
attractive — I adjective adorable, agreeable, alluring, appealing, attracting, attrahent, beauteous, beautiful, beckoning, becoming, beguiling, bewitching, captivating, catching, catchy, charming, comely, delightful, desirable, drawing, elegant, enchanting,… … Law dictionary
Attractive — At*tract ive, n. That which attracts or draws; an attraction; an allurement. [1913 Webster] Speaks nothing but attractives and invitation. South. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
attractive — late 14c., absorptive, from M.Fr. attractif (14c.), from attract , pp. stem of attrahere (see ATTRACT (Cf. attract)). Meaning having the quality of drawing people s eye or interest is from 1580s; sense of pleasing, alluring is from c.1600.… … Etymology dictionary
attractive — alluring, charming, fascinating, bewitching, enchanting, captivating (see under ATTRACT) Analogous words: lovely, fair, *beautiful, bonny, pretty, comely: luring, enticing, tempting, seductive (see corresponding verbs at LURE) Antonyms: repellent … New Dictionary of Synonyms
attractive — [adj] appealing, drawing attention adorable, agreeable, alluring, beautiful, beckoning, bewitching, captivating, charming, comely, enchanting, engaging, enthralling, enticing, fair, fascinating, fetching, glamorous, good looking, gorgeous,… … New thesaurus
attractive — ► ADJECTIVE 1) pleasing or appealing to the senses. 2) arousing interest. 3) relating to attraction between physical objects. DERIVATIVES attractively adverb attractiveness noun … English terms dictionary
attractive — [ə trak′tiv] adj. [ME < LL attractivus] that attracts or has the power to attract; esp., pleasing, charming, pretty, handsome, etc. attractively adv. attractiveness n … English World dictionary
attractive — adj. VERBS ▪ be, look ▪ She looked attractive and beautifully dressed. ▪ become, grow ▪ He had grown more attractive with age. ▪ … Collocations dictionary
attractive — [[t]ətræ̱ktɪv[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADJ GRADED A person who is attractive is pleasant to look at. She s a very attractive woman... I thought he was very attractive and obviously very intelligent... He was always immensely attractive to women. Ant:… … English dictionary