
adjective Date: 1567 capable of being perceived especially by the senses <
a perceptible change in her tone
a barely perceptible light
perceptibility nounperceptibly adverb Synonyms: perceptible, sensible, palpable, tangible, appreciable, ponderable mean apprehensible as real or existent. perceptible applies to what can be discerned by the senses often to a minimal extent <
a perceptible difference in sound to a careful listener
. sensible applies to whatever is clearly apprehended through the senses or impresses itself strongly on the mind <
an abrupt, sensible drop in temperature
. palpable applies either to what has physical substance or to what is obvious and unmistakable <
the tension in the air was almost palpable
. tangible suggests what is capable of being handled or grasped both physically and mentally <
no tangible evidence of UFOs
. appreciable applies to what is distinctly discernible by the senses or definitely measurable <
an appreciable increase in income
. ponderable suggests having definitely measurable weight or importance <
exerted a ponderable influence on world events

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • perceptible — [ pɛrsɛptibl ] adj. • 1372; lat. perceptibilis, de percipere I ♦ 1 ♦ Qui peut être perçu par les organes des sens; qui peut déterminer une perception. ⇒ visible; audible; appréciable, discernable, saisissable, sensible. Perceptible à l œil, à l… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • perceptible — perceptible, sensible, palpable, tangible, appreciable, ponderable all mean capable of being apprehended through the senses or intellect as real and existent. Perceptible may be used inclusively to describe whatever comes within the range of one… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • perceptible — adjetivo 1. Que se puede percibir, comprender o apreciar con facilidad: Los objetos son menos perceptibles con la niebla. Es claramente perceptible que has engordado. Antónimo: imperceptible. 2. Uso/registro: administrativo. Que se puede cobrar:… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

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  • perceptible — [pər sep′tə bəl] adj. [LL perceptibilis < pp. of L percipere] that can be perceived perceptibility n. perceptibly adv. SYN. PERCEPTIBLE is applied to anything that can be apprehended by the senses but often connotes that the thing is just… …   English World dictionary

  • Perceptible — Per*cep ti*ble, a. [L. perceptibilis: cf. F. perceptible. See {Perceive}.] Capable of being perceived; cognizable; discernible; perceivable. [1913 Webster] With a perceptible blast of the air. Bacon. [1913 Webster] {Per*cep ti*ble*ness}, n.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • perceptible — (adj.) 1550s, perceptive, from L.L. perceptibilis, from percipere (see PERCEIVE (Cf. perceive)). Meaning capable of being perceived is from c.1600. Related: Perceptibly …   Etymology dictionary

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  • perceptible — (Del lat. perceptibĭlis). 1. adj. Que se puede comprender o percibir. 2. Que se puede recibir o cobrar …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • perceptible — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ able to be perceived. DERIVATIVES perceptibly adverb …   English terms dictionary

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