
noun Etymology: Latin perception-, perceptio act of perceiving, from percipere Date: 14th century 1. a. a result of perceiving ; observation b. a mental image ; concept 2. obsolete consciousness 3. a. awareness of the elements of environment through physical sensation <
color perception
b. physical sensation interpreted in the light of experience 4. a. quick, acute, and intuitive cognition ; appreciation b. a capacity for comprehension Synonyms: see discernmentperceptional adjective

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • PERCEPTION — Malgré l’intérêt incessant qu’a suscité l’étude de la perception tout au long de l’histoire de la philosophie occidentale et malgré l’énorme contribution, sur ce sujet, de la psychologie depuis l’époque où celle ci a tenté de se définir comme… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Perception — Per*cep tion, n. [L. perceptio: cf. F. perception. See {Perceive}.] 1. The act of perceiving; cognizance by the senses or intellect; apperhension by the bodily organs, or by the mind, of what is presented to them; discernment; apperhension;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • perception — Perception. s. f. Recepte, recouvrement en matiere de deniers, fruits, revenus &c. Il est commis à la perception d un tel droit. il est obligé de rendre compte du revenu de cet heritage aprés la perception des fruits. Perception. En matiere de… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • perception — per‧cep‧tion [pəˈsepʆn ǁ pər ] noun [countable] the way that people feel about a company, product, market etc and what they think it is like: • There is a perception among investors that an economic recovery is beginning. • National stereotypes… …   Financial and business terms

  • Perception — steht für: Perzeption, Gesamtheit der Vorgänge des Wahrnehmens bezeichnet. Perception (Film), US amerikanisches Filmdrama aus dem Jahr 2005 Perception Kayaks, einen Kanuhersteller, siehe Confluence Watersports #Perception …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • perception — late 15c., receiving, collection, from L. perceptionem (nom. perceptio) perception, apprehension, a taking, from percipere perceive (see PERCEIVE (Cf. perceive)). First used in the more literal sense of the Latin word; in secondary sense, the… …   Etymology dictionary

  • perception — I noun ability to make distinctions, acuity, acumen, acuteness, apperception, appraisal, appreciation, apprehension, ascertainment, assessment, astuteness, attention, awareness, clear sight, cleverness, cognition, cognizance, comprehension,… …   Law dictionary

  • perception — penetration, insight, acumen, *discernment, discrimination Analogous words: appreciation, comprehension, understanding (see corresponding verbs at UNDERSTAND): sharpness, keenness, acuteness (see corresponding adjectives at SHARP) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • perception — [n] understanding, idea acumen, apprehending, apprehension, approach, attention, attitude, awareness, big idea*, brainchild*, brain wave*, conceit, concept, conception, consciousness, discernment, feeling, flash, grasp, image, impression, insight …   New thesaurus

  • perception — ► NOUN 1) the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. 2) the process of perceiving. 3) a way of understanding or interpreting something. 4) intuitive understanding and insight. ORIGIN Latin, from percipere seize,… …   English terms dictionary

  • perception — [pər sep′shən] n. [L perceptio < pp. of percipere: see PERCEIVE] 1. a) the act of perceiving or the ability to perceive; mental grasp of objects, qualities, etc. by means of the senses; awareness; comprehension b) insight or intuition, or the… …   English World dictionary

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