Reform Judaism

Reform Judaism
noun Date: circa 1905 Judaism marked by a liberal approach in nonobservance of much legal tradition regarded as irrelevant to the present and in shortening and simplification of traditional ritualcompare Conservative Judaism, Orthodox Judaism

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Reform Judaism (magazine) — Reform Judaism is the official magazine of the Union for Reform Judaism. Its print edition has a quarterly circulation to 300,000 households, synagogues, and other Jewish institutions. [ [ Reform Judaism… …   Wikipedia

  • Reform Judaism — Reform′ Ju′daism n. jud a branch of Judaism that stresses ethical teachings and frequently simplifies or rejects traditional beliefs and practices to meet the conditions of contemporary life Compare Orthodox Judaism Conservative Judaism •… …   From formal English to slang

  • Reform Judaism — noun 1. the most liberal Jews; Jews who do not follow the Talmud strictly but try to adapt all of the historical forms of Judaism to the modern world • Hypernyms: ↑Judaism, ↑Hebraism, ↑Jewish religion • Member Meronyms: ↑Reform Jew 2. beliefs and …   Useful english dictionary

  • Reform Judaism — noun A form of Judaism less strict than most others, with services often conducted with less Hebrew. See Also: Judaism, Conservative Judaism, Orthodox Judaism, Reconstructionist Judaism, Chasidim, Jew, Jewish …   Wiktionary

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