
I. noun (plural Delaware or Delawares) Etymology: Delaware River Date: 1721 1. a member of an American Indian people originally of the Delaware valley 2. the Algonquian language of the Delaware II. geographical name 1. river 296 miles (476 kilometers) E United States flowing S from S New York into Delaware Bay 2. state E United States capital Dover area 2057 square miles (5348 square kilometers), population 783,600 3. city central Ohio NNW of Columbus population 25,243 • Delawarean noun

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Delaware — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Delaware (desambiguación). State of Delaware Estado de los Estados Unidos …   Wikipedia Español

  • Delaware — • One of the original thirteen of the United States of America Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Delaware     Delaware     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • DELAWARE — DELAWARE, U.S. state located on the Middle Atlantic seaboard. The first to ratify the United States constitution in 1787, it is the state with the second smallest land mass and the sixth smallest population. In 2001, some 13,500 Jews lived in the …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Delaware [1] — Delaware (spr. Delläwär), 1) (D. Bai), Meeresarm des Atlantischen Oceans an der Küste der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika, sich in nordwestlicher Richtung von Cape Mai u. Cape Henlopen an 14 Meilen lang, in einer mittleren Breite von 5 Meilen …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Delaware — Delaware, OH U.S. city in Ohio Population (2000): 25243 Housing Units (2000): 10208 Land area (2000): 14.999810 sq. miles (38.849327 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.099952 sq. miles (0.258875 sq. km) Total area (2000): 15.099762 sq. miles (39.108202 …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Delaware — es uno de los estados de los Estados Unidos de América.Es conocido como el Primer Estado dado que fue el primero de las 13 colonias en ratificar la Constitución de los Estados Unidos. * * * Río del E de E.U.A. Nace en los Apalaches. Pasa por… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Delaware [2] — Delaware (abgekürzt Del.), einer der Staaten der nordamerikan. Union (s. Karte »Vereinigte Staaten«), mit 5310 qkm Fläche, der kleinste nach Rhode Island, den nordöstlichen Teil der Halbinsel zwischen Chesapeake und Delawarebai umfassend und von… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Delaware — état de l E. des È. U. (le plus petit après le Rhode Island), sur la baie de la Delaware; 5 328 km²; 666 000 hab.; cap. Dover. Il est formé au N. par des collines, au S. par une plaine. Le climat est tempéré. Agric. (légumes, fruits). Import.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Delaware — Delaware1 [del′ə wer΄, del′əwar΄] n. 1. pl. Delawares or Delaware a member of any of a group of North American Indian peoples that lived in the Delaware River valley, now living mainly in Oklahoma and Ontario 2. the Algonquian language of these… …   English World dictionary

  • Delaware, IA — U.S. city in Iowa Population (2000): 188 Housing Units (2000): 78 Land area (2000): 0.798640 sq. miles (2.068469 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.011054 sq. miles (0.028631 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.809694 sq. miles (2.097100 sq. km) FIPS code:… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Delaware, OH — U.S. city in Ohio Population (2000): 25243 Housing Units (2000): 10208 Land area (2000): 14.999810 sq. miles (38.849327 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.099952 sq. miles (0.258875 sq. km) Total area (2000): 15.099762 sq. miles (39.108202 sq. km) FIPS …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

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