
I. noun or catalogue Etymology: Middle English cathaloge, cateloge, from Middle French catalogue, from Late Latin catalogus, from Greek katalogos, from katalegein to list, enumerate, from kata- + legein to gather, speakmore at legend Date: 15th century 1. list, register 2. a. a complete enumeration of items arranged systematically with descriptive details b. a pamphlet or book that contains such a list c. material in such a list II. verb or catalogue (-loged or -logued; -loging or -loguing) Date: 1598 transitive verb 1. to make a catalog of 2. a. to enter in a catalog b. to classify (as books or information) descriptively intransitive verb 1. to make or work on a catalog 2. to become listed in a catalog at a specified price <
this stamp catalogs at $2
cataloger or cataloguer noun

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • catalog — CATALÓG, cataloage, s.n. Listă, caiet, registru, sistem de fişe etc. care conţine o înşirare metodică, după anumite criterii şi cu anumite scopuri, de nume de fiinţe sau de obiecte, titluri de cărţi etc. – Din fr. catalogue, lat. catalogus.… …   Dicționar Român

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  • Catalog — Cat a*log, n. & v. Catalogue. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • catalog — see CATALOGUE (Cf. catalogue) …   Etymology dictionary

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  • catalog — / catalogue [n] written or printed matter featuring a selection of objects archive, brief, bulletin, calendar, cartulary, charts, classification, compendium, directory, docket, draft, enumeration, gazette, gazetteer, hit list*, index, inventory,… …   New thesaurus

  • Catalog — A catalog or catalogue is an organized, detailed, descriptive list of items arranged systematically. It may also refer to a list of items enumerated with a specific numbering scheme. The word comes from the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women or Eoiae .… …   Wikipedia

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