
I. verb (challenged; challenging) Etymology: Middle English chalengen to accuse, from Anglo-French chalenger, from Latin calumniari to accuse falsely, from calumnia calumny Date: 13th century transitive verb 1. to demand as due or deserved ; require <
an event that challenges explanation
2. to order to halt and prove identity <
the sentry challenged the stranger
3. to dispute especially as being unjust, invalid, or outmoded ; impugn <
new data that challenges old assumptions
4. to question formally the legality or legal qualifications of <
challenge a juror
5. a. to confront or defy boldly ; dare <
he challenged his critics to prove his guilt
b. to call out to duel or combat c. to invite into competition <
he challenged his brother to a tennis match
6. to arouse or stimulate especially by presenting with difficulties <
she wants a job that will challenge her
7. to administer a physiological and especially an immunologic challenge to (an organism or cell) intransitive verb 1. to make or present a challenge 2. to take legal exceptionchallenger noun II. noun Date: 14th century 1. a. a summons that is often threatening, provocative, stimulating, or inciting; specifically a summons to a duel to answer an affront b. an invitation to compete in a sport 2. a. a calling to account or into question ; protest b. an exception taken to a juror before the juror is sworn c. a sentry's command to halt and prove identity d. a questioning of the right or validity of a vote or voter 3. a stimulating task or problem <
looking for new challenges
4. the act or process of provoking or testing physiological activity by exposure to a specific substance; especially a test of immunity by exposure to an antigen

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • challenge — chal·lenge 1 vt chal·lenged, chal·leng·ing 1: to dispute esp. as being invalid or unjust counsel challenged this interpretation 2: to question formally (as by a suit or motion) the legality or legal qualifications of challenge the regulations;… …   Law dictionary

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