
I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Latin complementum, from complēre to fill up, complete, from com- + plēre to fill — more at full Date: 14th century 1. a. something that fills up, completes, or makes perfect b. the quantity, number, or assortment required to make a thing complete <
the usual complement of eyes and ears — Francis Parkman
; especially the whole force or personnel of a ship c. one of two mutually completing parts ; counterpart 2. a. the angle or arc that when added to a given angle or arc equals a right angle in measure b. the set of all elements that do not belong to a given set and are contained in a particular mathematical set containing the given set c. a number that when added to another number of the same sign yields zero if the significant digit farthest to the left is discarded — used especially in assembly language programming 3. the musical interval required with a given interval to complete the octave 4. an added word or expression by which a predication is made complete (as president in “they elected him president” and beautiful in “he thought her beautiful”) 5. the thermolabile group of proteins in normal blood serum and plasma that in combination with antibodies causes the destruction especially of particulate antigens (as bacteria and foreign blood corpuscles) II. verb Date: 1602 intransitive verb obsolete to exchange formal courtesies transitive verb 1. to be complementary to <
the illustrations complement the text
2. obsolete compliment

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • complément — [ kɔ̃plemɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1308; de l a. fr. complir « remplir »; repris 1690; lat. complementum, de complere « remplir » 1 ♦ Ce qui s ajoute ou doit s ajouter à une chose pour qu elle soit complète. ⇒ achèvement, couronnement. Le complément est… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • complement — COMPLEMÉNT, complemente, s.n. 1. Ceea ce se adaugă la ceva spre a l întregi; complinire. 2. Parte secundară a propoziţiei care determină un verb, un adjectiv sau un adverb. 3. Substanţă de natură proteică prezentă în serul normal şi care… …   Dicționar Român

  • Complement — Complément Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Complément à 2 — Complément à deux Le complément à deux est une représentation binaire des entiers relatifs qui permet d effectuer les opérations arithmétiques usuelles naturellement. bit de signe 0 1 1 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • complement — COMPLEMENT. s. m. Ce qui s ajoute à une chose pour lui donner sa perfection. On dit en Théologie, Complément de béatitude, pour exprimer Le comble de la beatitude. La résurrection des corps sera le complément de la béatitude des Saints.Complément …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • complement — n Complement, supplement are comparable both as nouns meaning one thing that makes up for a want or deficiency in another thing and as verbs meaning to supply what is needed to make up for such a want or deficiency. Complement implies a… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Complement — Com ple*ment, n. [L. complementun: cf. F. compl[ e]ment. See {Complete}, v. t., and cf. {Compliment}.] 1. That which fills up or completes; the quantity or number required to fill a thing or make it complete. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • complement — complement, compliment, complementary, complimentary 1. Complement and compliment each function as noun and verb; in pronunciation they are largely indistinguishable except that in the verbal function compliment has a fuller i sound in its second …   Modern English usage

  • Complement — (v. lat. Complementum), 1) Ergänzung; 2) (Math.), C. einer Größe ist im Allgemeinen das, was zu dieser addirt werden muß, um ein gewisses Ganze zu erhalten. Complement eines Winkels od. Kreisbogens ist beziehungsweise derjenige Winkel od. Bogen,… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • complement — ► NOUN 1) a thing that contributes extra features to something else so as to enhance or improve it. 2) the number or quantity that makes something complete. 3) a word or words used with a verb to complete the meaning of the predicate (e.g. happy… …   English terms dictionary

  • Complement a un — Complément à un Le complément à un est l opération qui inverse la valeur de chacun des bits d un nombre binaire. Il est la première étape du complément à deux. Exemple Ce document provient de « Compl%C3%A9ment %C3%A0 un ». Catégorie :… …   Wikipédia en Français

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