- condition
I. noun
Etymology: Middle English condicion, from Anglo-French, from Latin condicion-, condicio terms of agreement, condition, from condicere to agree, from com- + dicere to say, determine — more at diction
Date: 14th century
a. a premise upon which the fulfillment of an agreement depends ; stipulation
b. obsolete covenant
c. a provision making the effect of a legal instrument contingent upon an uncertain event; also the event itself
2. something essential to the appearance or occurrence of something else ; prerequisite: as
a. an environmental requirement <available oxygen is an essential condition for animal life> b. the subordinate clause of a conditional sentence 3. a. a restricting or modifying factor ; qualification b. an unsatisfactory academic grade that may be raised by doing additional work 4. a. a state of being <the human condition> b. social status ; rank c. a usually defective state of health <a serious heart condition> d. a state of physical fitness or readiness for use <the car was in good condition> <exercising to get into condition> e. plural attendant circumstances <poor living conditions> 5. a. obsolete temper of mind b. obsolete trait c. plural, archaic manners, ways II. verb (conditioned; conditioning) Date: 15th century intransitive verb archaic to make stipulations transitive verb 1. to agree by stipulating 2. to make conditional 3. a. to put into a proper state for work or use b. air-condition 4. to give a grade of condition to 5. a. to adapt, modify, or mold so as to conform to an environing culture <traditional beliefs conditioning a child's attitude> b. to modify so that an act or response previously associated with one stimulus becomes associated with another • conditionable adjective
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.